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Advanced Macroeconomics
Advanced Macroeconomics
Autor: David Romer | Vydavatel: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
Kniha Davida Romera "Advanced Macroeconomics" je výchozí knihou pro všechny, kteří se zabývají makroekonomií a monetární ekonomií. Popisuje a analyzuje důležité makroekonomické teorie, které jsou doprovázeny konkrétními příklady. Kniha je velice srozumitelně napsána a vřele ji doporučujeme.
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 ISBN: 0072877308 Stran: 696 Cena: £ 41,79 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
An Introduction to Auction Theory
An Introduction to Auction Theory
Autor: Flavio M. Menezes, Paulo K. Monteiro | Vydavatel: OUP Oxford
The practical importance of auction theory is widely recognized. Indeed, economists have been recognized for their contribution to the design of several auction-like mechanisms, such as the U. S. Federal Communications Commission spectrum auctions, the 3G auctions in Europe and beyond, and the auction markets for electricity markets around the world. Moreover, auction theory is now seen as an important component of an economist's training. For example, some of the more celebrated results from the single-object auction theory are now usually
Přidáno: 16.11.2007 ISBN: 0199275998 Stran: 200 Cena: £ 19,95 Jazyk: anglicky  
Applied Economics
Applied Economics
Autor: Mr Alan Griffiths, Stuart Wall | Vydavatel: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall
Kniha "Applied Economics" patří mezi nejlepší knihy v oblasti ekonomie zejména pro svou jasnou interpretaci a aplikaci ekonomických teorií ve skutečném světě. "Applied Economics" je jednou z nejprodávanějších knih v této oblasti.
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 ISBN: 0273708228 Stran: 670 Cena: £ 40,49 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Economics of Strategy
Economics of Strategy
Autor: David Besanko, David Dranove, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
Obsáhlá kniha aplikující moderní ekonomické principy na firemní strategii. Zaměřuje se především na transakční náklady, úspory z velkovýroby, diverzifikaci, úspory z rozsahu, vnitřní organizaci atd.
Přidáno: 25.10.2007 ISBN: 0471679453 Stran: 632 Cena: £ 39,89 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Exchange Rate Economics: Theories and Evidence
Exchange Rate Economics: Theories and Evidence
Autor: Ronald MacDonald | Vydavatel: Routledge
This new book from Ronald Macdonald contains material on the influence of fiscal policy on exchange rates, recent development in the econometric modelling of exchange rates, exchange rate modelling for developing countries and a survey of proposals for the reform of the international monetary system. As such, it will be of interest to those studying or researching in macroeconomics, international finance and international business.
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 ISBN: 0415125510 Stran: 450 Cena: £ 30,88 Jazyk: anglicky  
Exchange Rates and International Finance
Exchange Rates and International Finance
Autor: Prof Laurence Copeland | Vydavatel: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall
Exchange rates and exchange rate fluctuation play an increasingly important role in all our lives, Exchange Rates and International Finance provides a clear and concise guide to the causes and consequences of exchange rate fluctuations, enabling the reader to grasp the essentials of theory and its relevance to major events in currency markets. The orientation of the book is towards exchange rate determination with particular emphasis given to the contributions of modern finance theory. Both fixed and floating exchange rate models and empirical
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 ISBN: 0273683063 Stran: 500 Cena: £ 43,69 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money
Autor: David S. Kidwell, David W. Blackwell, David A. Whidbee, Richard L. Peterson | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
Ever wonder how interest rates are determined? Would you like to know how to read actual financial data? Want to know what makes the financial sector really tick? You'll find answers to these questions and more in Kidwell, Blackwell, Whidbee, and Peterson's Ninth Edition of "Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money". Featuring a strong emphasis on fundamental concepts and how things really work in a market context, these four expert authors present a balanced, up-to-date overview of the U.S. financial system and its primary institutions and m
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 ISBN: 0471697575 Stran: 704 Cena: £ 95,50 Jazyk: anglicky  
Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics
Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics
Autor: Alpha C Chiang, Kevin Wainwright | Vydavatel: McGraw-Hill Higher Education
This book is an excellent introduction to the mathematics needed by economists. It covers all the background needed to begin in a typical economics Ph.D. program, and presents it understandably. I found that it is rigorous enough that I can apply what I have learned from it confidently. It uses total differentials where more advanced books might use vector calculus. This is a more intuitive approach, and better suited for an introduction. It includes some very good illustrations which clarify the concepts.
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 ISBN: 0071238239 Stran: 668 Cena: £ 45,59 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics
Autor: Robert O'Brien, Marc Williams | Vydavatel: Palgrave Macmillan
This popular and successful text provides a comprehensive introduction to the global political economy of today, set in a broad historical context. It introduces an unusually wide range of theoretical approaches and highlights how useful they are in tackling key issues - from trade, production and finance to social divisions, development and the environment. The second edition has been revised and updated throughout with the addition of additional chapters on gender, on ideas, and on key current issues and debates.
Přidáno: 25.10.2007 ISBN: 0230006698 Stran: 448 Cena: £ 22,79 Jazyk: anglicky  
I Can Make You Rich (Book and CD)
I Can Make You Rich (Book and CD)
Autor: Paul McKenna | Vydavatel: Bantam Press
Are you ready to become rich? If you've ever wondered why it is that some people find it easy to make money while others struggle, it's not because they are more intelligent, work harder or have better - luck - it's simply because they think and act differently. Do you want to make more money? Do you want to improve the quality of your life? Do you believe you can be rich? What if it was easier than you think? Over the past decade, Paul McKenna PhD has made a unique study of the mindset of people rich not only in money but also in happiness and
Přidáno: 03.10.2007 ISBN: 0593055373 Stran: 304 Cena: £ 11,49 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
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kniha     autor
Macroeconomics: Understand
Macroeconomics: Understanding the Wealth of Nations, 2nd Edition
Stran: 632
Cena: £ 37,04
Jazyk: anglicky
An original and interesting macroeconomics text. It is a self-contained volume which any student and teacher of economics within the higher education sector will find extremely useful.
Stability with Growth: Mac
Stability with Growth: Macroeconomics, Liberalization and Development (Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series)
Stran: 352
Cena: £ 19,00
Jazyk: anglicky
There is growing dissatisfaction with the economic policies advocated by the IMF and other international financial institutions - policies that have often resulted in stagnating growth, crises, and recessions f
I Can Make You Rich (Book
I Can Make You Rich (Book and CD)
Stran: 304
Cena: £ 11,49
Jazyk: anglicky
Are you ready to become rich? If you've ever wondered why it is that some people find it easy to make money while others struggle, it's not because they are more intelligent, work harder or have better - luck -
Microeconomics: An Integra
Microeconomics: An Integrated Approach
Stran: 752
Cena: £ 37,49
Jazyk: anglicky
The author deals with all the standard introductory microeconomic topics such as consumer choice/demand and industry structure as well as more exotic topics such as risk and information or game theory. The text
Applied Economics
Applied Economics
Stran: 670
Cena: £ 40,49
Jazyk: anglicky
The General Theory of Empl
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Stran: 248
Cena: £ 14,99
Jazyk: anglicky
In 1936 Keynes published the most provocative book written by any economist of his generation. Arguments about the book continued until his death in 1946 and still continue today. This new edition, published 70