A Guide to the Major Trusts: v. 1 (Guide to the Major Trusts)
Tom Traynor | Vydavatel: Directory of Social Change
Poslední vydání našeho úspěšného titulu opět nabízí tu samou směsici obsáhlých výzkumů a nezávislých komentářů, které z tohoto titulu číní důležitou knihu do Vašich sbírek. Kniha obsahuje současné důležité informace, kontakty, vyjímky a potřebné rady pro každý typ trustu.
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 1903991552 |
Stran: 650 |
Cena: £ 34,95 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
An Introduction to the Law of Trusts (Clarendon Law Series)
This second edition of Simon Gardner's Introduction to the Law of Trusts provides a concise and analytical overview of account of the English law of trusts, drawing out especially this area's underlying concerns and suggesting ways in which the rules can be explained and evaluated. By providing law students with an intelligible framework within which to understand this subject's otherwise abstract and elusive material, it offers them a valuable starting point for this part of their work. It is ideal for using alongside or after more detailed s…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0199261342 |
Stran: 336 |
Cena: £ 23,74 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Cases and Materials on Trusts (Cavendish sourcebook series)
This new edition has been considerably revised to take account of recent major statutory and case law developments. The Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 introduced a significant improvement in the rights of third parties to enforce contracts. The Trustee Delegation Act 1999 and the Trustee Act 2000 have had a profound effect in updating the law concerning trustees' duties and powers. Important new cases covered include: Foskett v Mckeown (tracing); Pragon Finance Ltd v Thakerar (constructive trusts); Air Jamaica v Charlton (resultin…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 1859417442 |
Stran: 720 |
Cena: £ 31,30 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Equity and the Law of Trusts
Long-established as a standard work on this subject by students of equity, legal practitioners and the trustee departments of banks, Pettit: Equity and the Law of Trusts provides a clear, concise and comprehensive coverage of the subject. The tenth edition has been fully revised and updated to include new material on resulting and constructive trusts, and proprietary estoppel, in particular cases involving the matrimonial or quasi-matrimonial home; accessory liability; the duty to disclose information to beneficiaries; injunctions to restrai…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0199285349 |
Stran: 798 |
Cena: £ 27,19 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Equity and Trusts
"Equity Trusts" has quickly established itself as a market leader due to it clarity, insight and accessibility in what is perhaps the most complex of legal areas. Hudson's scholarly account of the subject makes this text sufficiently authoritative for trust practitioners but also provides a comprehensible introduction for a student audience. As in previous editions, the traditional doctrines are analysed in the context of current issues, and the book's progressive approach intersperses discussion of the core ideas with clear examples. This four…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 1859419771 |
Stran: 1160 |
Cena: £ 32,25 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Equity and Trusts
"Equity and Trusts" is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of what is often perceived to be a difficult area of the law for those studying at undergraduate level and for professional examinations. New cases involving property adjustments on the breakdown of relationships between cohabitants are discussed in depth as are important cases which develop the concept of a change of position defence. The 2004 Civil Partnership Act is also discussed in depth and as predicted in the text, the Charity Bill has fallen with the dissolution of Parl…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 1858365988 |
Stran: 440 |
Cena: £ 15,95 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Equity and Trusts (Blackstone's Law Q & A)
Examination questions in equity and trusts can seem particularly daunting to students. This book shows how to successfully tackle the sort of problems and essay questions typically found in examination papers. The authors suggest how answers should be structured, providing advice on what to include, and on what to leave out. No matter how good your research and study skills, the ultimate test for the law student is the exam. The more preparation you have, the better equipped you will be. Blackstone's Questions and Answers Series gives studen…
Přidáno: 08.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0199290997 |
Stran: 280 |
Cena: £ 12,99 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Equity and Trusts (Key Cases)
Nutshells are the ideal way to revise the essentials of law. Presented in clear and straightforward language, Nutshells provide a concise and up to date account of the law, especially topics favoured by examiners. Nutshells explain basic principles and highlight key cases and statutes as well as including model questions and answers. They are a vital purchase for any law student. Equity and Trusts covers the Trustee Act 2000 and the 2003 government proposals to change the law of charities. Case law includes Twinsectra v Yardley, Foskett v Mc…
Přidáno: 08.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0340926805 |
Stran: 160 |
Cena: £ 6,99 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Equity and Trusts (Key Facts)
Key Facts: Equity and Trusts is the latest addition to the very successful Key Facts series, launched in September 2001. This clearly and comprehensively written book is an essential revision tool for undergraduates studying this area of English Law.
Přidáno: 08.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0340925930 |
Stran: 145 |
Cena: £ 6,64 |
Jazyk: anglicky |