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Equity and Trusts
Equity and Trusts
Autor: Margaret Halliwell, Claire de Than | Vydavatel: Old Bailey Press
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"Equity and Trusts" is designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of what is often perceived to be a difficult area of the law for those studying at undergraduate level and for professional examinations. New cases involving property adjustments on the breakdown of relationships between cohabitants are discussed in depth as are important cases which develop the concept of a change of position defence. The 2004 Civil Partnership Act is also discussed in depth and as predicted in the text, the Charity Bill has fallen with the dissolution of Parliament thus it remains to be seen whether it will be in the Queen's speech after the outcome of the general election.

Přidáno: 10.05.2007 ISBN: 1858365988 Stran: 440 Cena: £ 15,95 Jazyk: anglicky
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