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Hledání v autorech: "Rosalind Malcolm" | Nalezených publikací: 1
Equity and Trusts (Blackstone's Law Q & A)
Equity and Trusts (Blackstone's Law Q & A)
Autor: Margaret Wilkie, Rosalind Malcolm, Peter Luxton | Vydavatel: Oxford University Press
Examination questions in equity and trusts can seem particularly daunting to students. This book shows how to successfully tackle the sort of problems and essay questions typically found in examination papers. The authors suggest how answers should be structured, providing advice on what to include, and on what to leave out. No matter how good your research and study skills, the ultimate test for the law student is the exam. The more preparation you have, the better equipped you will be. Blackstone's Questions and Answers Series gives studen
Přidáno: 08.05.2007 ISBN: 0199290997 Stran: 280 Cena: £ 12,99 Jazyk: anglicky  
kniha     autor
Inside the House of Money:
Inside the House of Money: Top Hedge Fund Traders on Profiting in the Global Markets
Stran: 384
Cena: £ 16,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Inside the House of Money lifts the veil on the typically opaque world of hedge funds offering a rare glimpse at how today's highest paid money managers approach their craft. Author Steve Drobny demystifies how
Hedging: Principles, Pract
Hedging: Principles, Practices and Strategies for the Financial Markets
Stran: 422
Cena: £ 145,00
Jazyk: anglicky
A guide to the theory and practice of hedging, this book describes both financial and physical hedging strategies and programs applicable to most industries. It shows how to use hedging strategies to capitalize
Equity Derivatives and Mar
Equity Derivatives and Market Risk Models
Stran: 250
Cena: £ 137,75
Jazyk: anglicky
Vynikající publikace napsaná ve spolupráci s jedním z nejlepších investičních expertů Deutsche Bank. Kniha se zaměřuje především na deriváty, oceňování derivátů a hedging.
IPOs and Equity Offerings
IPOs and Equity Offerings (Securities Institute Global Capital Markets)
Stran: 272
Cena: £ 70,30
Jazyk: anglicky
An initial public offering (IPO) is one of the most significant events in corporate life. It follows months, even years of preparation. During the boom years of the late 1990s bull market, IPOs of growth compan
Valuation of Fixed Income
Valuation of Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
Stran: 288
Cena: £ 51,00
Jazyk: anglicky
Autor knihy J. Fabozzi poskytuje ve své publikaci návod na oceňování produktů s pevným výnosem, oceňování dluhopisových portfolií zajištěných opcemi a oceňování úrokových instrumentů caps
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip: Lead with Your Values and Make Money Too
Stran: 304
Cena: £ 6,74
Jazyk: anglicky
Úspěšný obchod nemusí být vždy zrealizován na úkor lidských hodnot. Zeptejte se Bena a Jerryho, kteří svůj první obchod se zmrzlinou provozovali na čerpací stanici v opuštěném Vemontu a nyní