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The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
Autor: John Maynard Keynes | Vydavatel: www.bnpublishing.com
Koupit tuto publikaci

In 1936 Keynes published the most provocative book written by any economist of his generation. Arguments about the book continued until his death in 1946 and still continue today. This new edition, published 70 years after the original, features a new introduction by Paul Krugman which discusses the significance and continued relevance of The General Theory.

Přidáno: 30.12.2008 ISBN: 965006026X Stran: 248 Cena: £ 14,99 Jazyk: anglicky
Economics of Strategy
Economics of Strategy
Stran: 632
Cena: £ 39,89
Jazyk: anglicky
Obsáhlá kniha aplikující moderní ekonomické principy na firemní strategii. Zaměřuje se především na transakční náklady, úspory z velkovýroby, diverzifikaci, úspory z rozsahu, vnitřní organiz
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Stability with Growth: Macroeconomics, Liberalization and Development (Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series)
Stran: 352
Cena: £ 19,00
Jazyk: anglicky
There is growing dissatisfaction with the economic policies advocated by the IMF and other international financial institutions - policies that have often resulted in stagnating growth, crises, and recessions f
Applied Economics
Applied Economics
Stran: 670
Cena: £ 40,49
Jazyk: anglicky
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