Přidáno: 05.05.2007 | ISBN: 1859714870 | Stran: 126 | Cena: £ 24,69 | Jazyk: anglicky |
The Age of Turbulence: Adv…
The most remarkable thing that happened to the world economy after 9/11 was ...nothing. What would have once meant a crippling shock to the system was absorbed astonishingly quickly, partly due to the efforts o…
Business at the Speed of T…
Bill Gates je zakladatelem společnosti Microsoft a je zastáncem názoru, že obchody ovládají počítače stejně jako lidé ovladájí svůj nervový systém. V této knize popisuje myšlenku "digitálníh…
Asset Pricing Theory and T…
Asset pricing lies at the heart of financial economics, being not only the foundation of every other field in this subject area, but also having prime relevance for practical decision-making. For this two-volum…
Macroeconomics: Imperfecti…
The distinctive feature of this book is that it provides a unified framework for the analysis of short- and medium-run macroeconomics. This gives students a model that they can use themselves to understand a wi…
Options Classic Approaches…
* Selected 'classic' options papers from the 1960's to the 1990's, each of which as brought a truly innovative approach to the business of financial engineering * A unique compilation of papers brings together…
Buffett Step by Step: An I…
Krása investičních strategií používaných mistrem svého řemesla Warrenem Buffetem vychází z informací, znalostí a technik, které jsou přístupné každému. V knize Buffett Step-by-Step napsané …