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Shareholder or Stakeholder Value: The Development of Indicators for the Control and Measurement of Performance (CIMA Research)
Shareholder or Stakeholder Value: The Development of Indicators for the Control and Measurement of Performance (CIMA Research)
Autor: S. Cooper, D. Crowther, M. Davies | Vydavatel: CIMA Publishing
Koupit tuto publikaci

This research report investigates two new approaches to the management and evaluation of performance within large UK quoted companies. The first of these is that of Value-based Management, and the second Stakeholder Value. 37 interviews were carried out with senior personnel to investigate their formal and informal performance management system and superior insights were gained into the behavioral and cultural dimensions of the performance management process. It is also a CIMA endorsed research.

Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 1859714870 Stran: 126 Cena: £ 24,69 Jazyk: anglicky
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