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Hledání v autorech: "Ronald C. Spurga" | Nalezených publikací: 1
Commodity Fundamentals: How to Trade the Precious Metals, Energy, Grain, and Tropical Comm
Commodity Fundamentals: How to Trade the Precious Metals, Energy, Grain, and Tropical Commodity Markets (Wiley Trading)
Autor: Ronald C. Spurga | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
Kniha Commodity Fundamentals nabízí čtenářům ucelený přehled o nabídce a poptávce po vzácných kovech, energii, obilí a tropických plodinách obchodovaných na komoditních burzách. Autor detailně popisuje produkci, transport a uskladnění každé z obchodovaných komodit, což dává čtenáři přehled, který mu pak umožňuje správně identifikovat investiční přiležitosti. V knize jsou také popsány různé investiční techniky, které se aplikují na jednotlivé druhy komodit, včetně tzv. spread a cash-and-carry ob
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 ISBN: 0471788511 Stran: 196 Cena: £ 22,39 Jazyk: anglicky  
kniha     autor
Stability with Growth: Mac
Stability with Growth: Macroeconomics, Liberalization and Development (Initiative for Policy Dialogue Series)
Stran: 352
Cena: £ 19,00
Jazyk: anglicky
There is growing dissatisfaction with the economic policies advocated by the IMF and other international financial institutions - policies that have often resulted in stagnating growth, crises, and recessions f
Risk Management and Shareh
Risk Management and Shareholders' Value in Banking: From Risk Measurement Models to Capital Allocation Policies (The Wiley Finance Series)
Stran: 808
Cena: £ 33,99
Jazyk: anglicky
This book presents an integrated framework for risk measurement, capital management and value creation in banks. Moving from the measurement of the risks facing a bank, it defines criteria and rules to support
Mastering the Trade: Prove
Mastering the Trade: Proven Techniques for Profiting from Intraday and Swing Trading Setups (McGraw-Hill Trader's Edge Series)
Stran: 388
Cena: £ 23,99
Jazyk: anglicky
This book provides expert tactics to become and make the most of every swing trade. In Mastering the Trade, veteran trader and educator John Carter shares his hard-won five-point technique for successful swing
'Forbes' Greatest Business
'Forbes' Greatest Business Stories of All Time: 20 Inspiring Tales of Entrepreneurs Who Changed the Way We Live and Do Business
Stran: 368
Cena: £ 9,74
Jazyk: anglicky
The editors of Forbes Magazine present the 20 most amazing business success stories of all time Meet 20 of the most successful entrepreneurs in history and profit from their incredible stories. James Pierpont M
The Forex Chartist Compani
The Forex Chartist Companion: A Visual Approach to Technical Analysis (Wiley Trading)
Stran: 384
Cena: £ 41,49
Jazyk: anglicky
Obchodování na FX trhu se stává velice oblíbené mezi investory, díky vysoké likviditě, nízkým poplatkům, 24-hodinovému obchodování a vysokému potenciálu zisku. V knize "The Forex Chartist Compa
Foundations of Energy Risk
Foundations of Energy Risk Management: An Overview of the Energy Sector and Its Physical and Financial Markets (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 120
Cena: £ 42,00
Jazyk: anglicky
GARP's Fundamentals of Energy Risk Management introduces investors to the basic components and some of the basic terminology used in the energy industry. It covers the commodity cycle, energy use and sources, a