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Foundations of Energy Risk Management: An Overview of the Energy Sector and Its Physical and Financial Markets (Wiley Finance)
Foundations of Energy Risk Management: An Overview of the Energy Sector and Its Physical and Financial Markets (Wiley Finance)
Autor: GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals) | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
Koupit tuto publikaci

GARP's Fundamentals of Energy Risk Management introduces investors to the basic components and some of the basic terminology used in the energy industry. It covers the commodity cycle, energy use and sources, and various risk types, various energy products and the markets where energy is traded. It also introduces certain risk management fundamentals and real option thinking. The book is GARP's required text used by risk professionals looking to obtain their Certificate in Energy Risk Management.

Přidáno: 30.12.2008 ISBN: 0470421908 Stran: 120 Cena: £ 42,00 Jazyk: anglicky
The Encyclopedia of Commod
The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads (Wiley Trading)
Stran: 408
Cena: £ 48,88
Jazyk: anglicky
Kniha "The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads" je rozdělena dle obchodovaných komodit do několika kategorií - energie, zemní plyn, maso, sojové boby, kukuřice/corn/pšenice, měny, úrokové
Value Investing in Commodi
Value Investing in Commodity Futures: How to Profit with Scales Trading (Wiley Trading)
Stran: 224
Cena: £ 40,38
Jazyk: anglicky
"Value Investing in Commodity Futures" je kompletním průvodcem obchodování s futures kontrakty. Zaměřuje se především na obchodování s komoditními futures. Narozdíl od technické analýzy, která v
Foundations of Energy Risk
Foundations of Energy Risk Management: An Overview of the Energy Sector and Its Physical and Financial Markets (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 120
Cena: £ 42,00
Jazyk: anglicky
GARP's Fundamentals of Energy Risk Management introduces investors to the basic components and some of the basic terminology used in the energy industry. It covers the commodity cycle, energy use and sources, a
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