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Hledání v autorech: "Robert Pardo" | Nalezených publikací: 1
Beating the Financial Futures Market: Combining Small Biases into Powerful Money Making St
Beating the Financial Futures Market: Combining Small Biases into Powerful Money Making Strategies (Wiley Trading)
Autor: Art Collins, Robert Pardo | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
"Beating the Financial Futures Market" provides you with a straightforward, historically proven program to cut through the noise, determine what bits of information are valuable, and integrate those bits into an overall trading program designed to jump on lucrative trading opportunities as they occur. It will help you improve both your percentage of winning trades and the bottom line profitability of those winning trades.
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 ISBN: 0470038659 Stran: 245 Cena: £ 29,75 Jazyk: anglicky  
kniha     autor
Integrated Technical Analy
Integrated Technical Analysis (Wiley trading advantage)
Stran: 314
Cena: £ 57,00
Jazyk: anglicky
A guide to the synthesis of different forms of technical analysis Most technical analysis books tend to focus on specific types of indicators and fail to address how different tools can be used together to maxi
Equity Derivatives and Mar
Equity Derivatives and Market Risk Models
Stran: 250
Cena: £ 137,75
Jazyk: anglicky
Vynikající publikace napsaná ve spolupráci s jedním z nejlepších investičních expertů Deutsche Bank. Kniha se zaměřuje především na deriváty, oceňování derivátů a hedging.
Intermarket Technical Anal
Intermarket Technical Analysis: Trading Strategies for the Global Stock, Bond, Commodity and Currency Markets (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 282
Cena: £ 48,88
Jazyk: anglicky
Trying to trade stock, bond, commodity and currency markets without intermarket awareness is like trying to drive a car without looking out the side and rear windows--very dangerous. In this guide to intermarke
Hedge Fund Risk Fundamenta
Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals: Solving the Risk Management and Transparency Challenge (Bloomberg Professional Library)
Stran: 308
Cena: £ 33,25
Jazyk: anglicky
Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals is the first book to bring these issues to the forefront. With clarity, concision, and minimal math, Richard Horwitz lays out the key components and the cutting-edge processes in th
Economics of Strategy
Economics of Strategy
Stran: 632
Cena: £ 39,89
Jazyk: anglicky
Obsáhlá kniha aplikující moderní ekonomické principy na firemní strategii. Zaměřuje se především na transakční náklady, úspory z velkovýroby, diverzifikaci, úspory z rozsahu, vnitřní organiz
Business the Richard Brans
Business the Richard Branson Way: 10 Secrets of the World's Greatest Brand Builder (Big Shots Series)
Stran: 188
Cena: £ 6,99
Jazyk: anglicky
This is a very well written book and for less than a tenner is worth getting. It manages to give some insight into the workings of Richard Bransons Virgin empire, but certainly isn't going to turn the budding e