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Hledání v autorech: "Moorad Choudhry" | Nalezených publikací: 6
An Introduction to Bond Markets (Securities Institute)
An Introduction to Bond Markets (Securities Institute)
Autor: Moorad Choudhry | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
Tato kniha popisuje a vymezuje pojem dluhopisu v kontextu finančních trhů, taktéž popisuje jednotlivé typy dluhopisů. Dále zahrnuje pohled na jednolivé analytické modely použivané samostatnými obchodníky a manažery fondů. Tato nová edice knihy rozšiřuje zejména části zabývající se swapy a risk managemente. Dále je rozšířena o nové praktické civičení a popis příkladů. Dále je nově přidána část "credit derivates", strukturovaná sekuritizace a taktéž kapitola zabývající se přímo obchodváním. Tak
Přidáno: 16.11.2007 ISBN: 0470017589 Stran: 432 Cena: £ 20,99 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Capital Market Instruments: Analysis and Valuation
Capital Market Instruments: Analysis and Valuation
Autor: Moorad Choudhry, Didier Joannas, R. Pereira, Rod Pienaar | Vydavatel: Palgrave Macmillan
This book is a revised and updated guide to some of the most important issues in the capital markets today, with an emphasis on fixed-income instruments such as index-linked bonds, asset backed securities, mortgage backed securities and related products such as credit derivatives. However, fundamental concepts in equity market analysis, foreign exchange and money markets are also covered to provide a comprehensive overview. The focus is on analysis and valuation techniques, presented for the purposes of practical application.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 1403947252 Stran: 420 Cena: £ 130,00 Jazyk: anglicky  
Credit Derivatives: Instruments, Applications and Pricing
Credit Derivatives: Instruments, Applications and Pricing
Autor: Mark J. P. Anson, Frank J. Fabozzi, Moorad Choudhry, RenRaw Chen | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
An essential guide to credit derivatives Credit derivatives has become one of the fastest-growing areas of interest in global derivatives and risk management. Credit Derivatives takes the reader through an in-depth explanation of an investment tool that has been increasingly used to manage credit risk in banking and capital markets. Anson discusses everything from the basics of why credit risk is important to accounting and tax implications of credit derivatives. Key topics covered in this essential guidebook include: credit swaps; credit forw
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 047146600X Stran: 341 Cena: £ 55,25 Jazyk: anglicky  
Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation (Wiley Finance
Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives and Synthetic Securitisation (Wiley Finance)
Autor: Moorad Choudhry | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
Among today's fastest growing investment and risk management mechanisms, synthetic securitizations and structured products are revolutionizing the financial industry and changing the way banks, institutional investors, and securities traders do business both domestically and globally. This groundbreaking book offers a succinct and focused resource complete with global case studies on how these often misunderstood and mishandled instruments work, and how best to capitalize on them. Moorad Choudhry (London, UK) is a Vice President in Structured
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 0470821191 Stran: 300 Cena: £ 48,99 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
The Bond and Money Markets: strategy, trading, analysis (Securities Institution Profession
The Bond and Money Markets: strategy, trading, analysis (Securities Institution Professional Reference Series)
Autor: Moorad Choudhry | Vydavatel: A Butterworth-Heinemann Title
The Bond and Money Markets: Strategie, Obchodování, Analýza - vysvětlení včetně aplikace, informace o dluhopisech a peněžním trhu a jeho fungování pro všechny, kteří se chtějí věnovat obchodování na tomto trhu.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 0750646772 Stran: 1168 Cena: £ 171,70 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
The Credit Default Swap Basis
The Credit Default Swap Basis
Autor: Moorad Choudhry | Vydavatel: Bloomberg Press
The growth of the credit derviatives market has produced a liquid market in credit default swaps across the credit curve, and this liquidity has led many investors to access both the credit derivative and cash bond markets to meet their investment requirements.This book investigates the close relationship between the synthetic and cash markets in credit, which manifests itself in the credit default swap basis. Choudhry covers the factors that drive the basis, implications for market participants, the CDS index basis, and trading the basis.Credi
Přidáno: 16.11.2007 ISBN: 1576602362 Stran: 195 Cena: £ 23,70 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
kniha     autor
Security Analysis: The Cla
Security Analysis: The Classic 1940 Edition
Stran: 752
Cena: £ 38,24
Jazyk: anglicky
"Graham's ideas inspired the investment community for nearly a century." - "Smart Money". "Graham's method of investing is as relevant today as it was when he first espoused it during the Roaring Twenties." - "
Inside the House of Money:
Inside the House of Money: Top Hedge Fund Traders on Profiting in the Global Markets
Stran: 384
Cena: £ 16,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Inside the House of Money lifts the veil on the typically opaque world of hedge funds offering a rare glimpse at how today's highest paid money managers approach their craft. Author Steve Drobny demystifies how
Valuation of Fixed Income
Valuation of Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
Stran: 288
Cena: £ 51,00
Jazyk: anglicky
Autor knihy J. Fabozzi poskytuje ve své publikaci návod na oceňování produktů s pevným výnosem, oceňování dluhopisových portfolií zajištěných opcemi a oceňování úrokových instrumentů caps
Timing the Market: How to
Timing the Market: How to Profit in the Stock Market Using the Yield Curve, Technical Analysis, and Cultural Indicators (Wiley Trading)
Stran: 432
Cena: £ 38,25
Jazyk: anglicky
Naučte se používat technickou analýzu a maximalizujte svůj profit. Vše potřebné se dočtete v této knize, kterou vřele doporučujeme!!
DeMark on Day Trading Opti
DeMark on Day Trading Options: Using Options to Cash in on the Day Trading Phenomenon
Stran: 358
Cena: £ 22,79
Jazyk: anglicky
"DeMark on Day Trading Options" je první knihou kombinující 2 dnes největší obchodní fenomény a to akciové obchodování a opční obchodování. Tom DeMark v knize prezentuje také metody tzv. opční
The Neatest Little Guide t
The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing (Revisededition) (Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing)
Stran: 288
Cena: £ 6,49
Jazyk: anglicky
From the time of its first publication five years ago, The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing has established itself as a clear, concise, and highly effective approach to stocks and investment strat