Přidáno: 30.12.2008 | ISBN: 1921573198 | Stran: 184 | Cena: £ 13,95 | Jazyk: anglicky | ![]() |
The Age of Turbulence: Adv…
The most remarkable thing that happened to the world economy after 9/11 was ...nothing. What would have once meant a crippling shock to the system was absorbed astonishingly quickly, partly due to the efforts o…
Direct From Dell: Strategi…
'Dell's story is the stuff high-tech legends are made of' ForbesAt the age of twelve Michael Dell earned USD 2,000 selling stamps, and by the age of eighteen he was selling customized PCs from his room. He went…
The Fundamentals of Hedge …
This book offers the tools and techniques needed to successfully launch and maintain a hedge fund. In "The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management", both budding and established hedge fund managers will learn the…
The Forex Chartist Compani…
Obchodování na FX trhu se stává velice oblíbené mezi investory, díky vysoké likviditě, nízkým poplatkům, 24-hodinovému obchodování a vysokému potenciálu zisku. V knize "The Forex Chartist Compa…
Absolute Returns: The Risk…
Excelentní publikace napsaná Alexandrem Ineichenem se zabývá investičními strategiemi používanými v hedge fondech. Expert a manažer investičních fondů, Alexander Ineichen, v knize popisuje způsoby…
The Complete Guide to List…
Following the success of their highly-regarded Practitioner's Guides to the Listing Rules of — the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, the New York Stock Exchange and the Bermuda Stock Exchange — ISI Publications …