Following the success of their highly-regarded Practitioner's Guides to the Listing Rules of — the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, the New York Stock Exchange and the Bermuda Stock Exchange — ISI Publications is pleased to announce the publication of The Complete Guide to Listing on the London Stock Exchange.
This latest publication provides in-depth analysis and commentary on listing on the London Stock Exchange.
The contributions from highly-regarded market practitioner’s, cover such topics as: the requirements of the listing rules; who can be a sponsor and what are their responsibilities; publication and circulation of listing particulars; conditions for listing; SEC and NASD rules; the impact of technological developments; trading ‘on-exchange’; market regulation and settlement; continuing obligations; requirement for historical financial information; description of financial reports and statements; classification of transactions; takeovers and mergers; and TechMARK.
The Guide assesses the operational and regulatory issues involved when initiating and maintaining a listing on The London Stock Exchange, and will be an essential reference source for any company operating within the framework of the exchange.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 | ISBN: 962776275X | Stran: 280 | Cena: $ 110,00 | Jazyk: anglicky |
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