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Hledání v autorech: "David Shimko" | Nalezených publikací: 1
Credit Risk: Models and Management
Credit Risk: Models and Management
Autor: David Shimko | Vydavatel: Risk Books
Overall the book brings together a very interesting collection of up to date thoughts and techniques on credit risk management. The final section provides a more practical guide written by leading figures in the industry.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 1899332324 Stran: 330 Cena: £ 146,99 Jazyk: anglicky  
kniha     autor
The Fundamentals of Hedge
The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management: How to Successfully Launch and Operate a Hedge Fund (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 192
Cena: £ 42,99
Jazyk: anglicky
This book offers the tools and techniques needed to successfully launch and maintain a hedge fund. In "The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management", both budding and established hedge fund managers will learn the
Economics of Strategy
Economics of Strategy
Stran: 632
Cena: £ 37,95
Jazyk: anglicky
Obsáhlá kniha aplikující moderní ekonomické principy na firemní strategii. Zaměřuje se především na transakční náklady, úspory z velkovýroby, diverzifikaci, úspory z rozsahu, vnitřní organiz
Small-cap Dynamics: Insigh
Small-cap Dynamics: Insights, Analysis and Models (Bloomberg Professional Library)
Stran: 336
Cena: £ 33,25
Jazyk: anglicky
This work provides the insights and tools professional investors need to successfully navigate in the small-cap environment. It presents a picture of the small-cap market in the context of asset allocation, dri
Sam Walton: Made in Americ
Sam Walton: Made in America
Stran: 368
Cena: £ 4,03
Jazyk: anglicky
In an account of his rise to the top of the American retail business, the reminiscences of the billionaire retailer are combined with interviews with Walton's family and friends.
Pricing and Hedging Swaps
Pricing and Hedging Swaps
Stran: 245
Cena: £ 145,00
Jazyk: anglicky
This book explains both the basic and advanced principles of pricing swaps and their hedge applications. Chapters describe pricing methods, swaps valuation, dealing with interest rate exposure, developing tradi
Commodity Derivatives and
Commodity Derivatives and Finance
Stran: 400
Cena: £ 146,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Jedinečný průvodce finančními deriváty a hedgingovými strategiemi na všechny druhy komodit, které se obchodují na hlavních i OTC trzích. Publikace je určena všem finančníkům, producentům, proj