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Hledání v autorech: "Alan Bonham" | Nalezených publikací: 1
Building a Value Portfolio: Learn to Uncover the Hidden Value of Shares
Building a Value Portfolio: Learn to Uncover the Hidden Value of Shares
Autor: Ken. Langdon, Alan Bonham | Vydavatel: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall
Zjistěte skutečnou hodnotu společností a sestavte dlouhodobé akciové porfolio přinášející zajímavý výnos. V této knize se dozvíte, jak analyzovat jednotlivé společnosti.
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 0273630296 Stran: 275 Cena: £ 28,49 Jazyk: anglicky  
kniha     autor
The Compleat Guide to Day
The Compleat Guide to Day Trading Stocks (Compleat Day Trader)
Stran: 216
Cena: £ 23,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Day trading je v současné době největším trendem na Wall Street. V knize "The Compleat Guide to Day Trading Stocks" napsané slavným obchodníkem s futures Jakem Bernsteinem získáte znalosti a zkušeno
Fundamental Methods of Mat
Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics
Stran: 668
Cena: £ 45,59
Jazyk: anglicky
This book is an excellent introduction to the mathematics needed by economists. It covers all the background needed to begin in a typical economics Ph.D. program, and presents it understandably. I found that it
Technical Analysis for the
Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional: Strategies and Techniques for Superior Returns (McGraw-Hill Trader's Edge Series)
Stran: 341
Cena: £ 25,49
Jazyk: anglicky
This groundbreaking book reveals all new indicators, including a new derivative oscillator and a new Composite Index indicator. The influential technician, Dr. Henry Pruden, praises the author's work as, "...a
The 100 Best Stocks You Ca
The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 2009 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 2009 (100 Best Stocks You Can Buy) (100 Best Stocks You Can Buy)
Stran: 368
Cena: £ 8,99
Jazyk: anglicky
For over a decade, readers have turned to John Slatter’s classic book for advice on which stocks to pick for maximum return on their investment. Now Slatter again offers his advice and insights on the 100 sto
The Beginner's Guide to Pr
The Beginner's Guide to Property Investment: The Ultimate Handbook for First-time Buyers and Would-be Property Investors
Stran: 382
Cena: £ 9,09
Jazyk: anglicky
"The Beginner's Guide to Property Investment" deals thoroughly with the whole process of buying your first home, right up to the time you move in. It also examines and explores the many alternative areas of pro
The Strategy and Tactics o
The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably (Pie)
Stran: 368
Cena: £ 45,59
Jazyk: anglicky
V Knize "The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably" jsou podrobně popsány různé formy oceňování majetku včetně vhodných strategií oceňování, které ocení nejen stude