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Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr.
Autor: Ron Chernow | Vydavatel: Vintage Books USA
Úžasná kniha o životě Johna D. Rockefellera i jeho rodiny, o obchodech a plánech, které zajistily tomuto muži bohatství třikrát větší než má Bill Gates, Warren Buffett nebo WalMart. V knize jsou popsány nejen metody, které používá v obchodech, ale i to, jak mu kombinace intelektu spolu s plánováním a smyslem pro detail zajistila toto nesmírné bohatství.
Přidáno: 26.10.2007 ISBN: 1400077303 Stran: 832 Cena: £ 15,50 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Trump - Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
Trump - Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
Autor: Donald J. Trump, Meredith McIver | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
TRUMP Never Give Up tells the stories of Trump's biggest challenges, lowest moments, and worst mistakes--and how he overcame them and turned them into successes. Each chapter includes wisdom, pep talks, inspiration and advice that everyone can relate to, with additional coaching tips from adversity research expert Paul Stoltz.
Přidáno: 22.01.2008 ISBN: 0470190841 Stran: 208 Cena: £ 9,09 Jazyk: anglicky  
Trump: Think Like a Billionaire: Everything You Need to Know about Success, Real Estate, a
Trump: Think Like a Billionaire: Everything You Need to Know about Success, Real Estate, and Life
Autor: Donald J. Trump, Meredith McIver | Vydavatel: Ballantine Books
Kniha "Think Like A Billionaire" je určena pro každého, kdo se chce seznámit s úspěšným člověkem jakým je Donald Trump - kniha není jen nudným čtením neužitečných informací, ale naopak se zaměřuje na kombinaci dvou základních oblastí: rady, které jsou praktické a dávají smysl a pohled do života miliardáře.
Přidáno: 26.10.2007 ISBN: 0345481402 Stran: 288 Cena: £ 7,50 Jazyk: anglicky  
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Ben and Jerry's Double-dip
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip: Lead with Your Values and Make Money Too
Stran: 304
Cena: £ 6,74
Jazyk: anglicky
Úspěšný obchod nemusí být vždy zrealizován na úkor lidských hodnot. Zeptejte se Bena a Jerryho, kteří svůj první obchod se zmrzlinou provozovali na čerpací stanici v opuštěném Vemontu a nyní
'Forbes' Greatest Business
'Forbes' Greatest Business Stories of All Time: 20 Inspiring Tales of Entrepreneurs Who Changed the Way We Live and Do Business
Stran: 368
Cena: £ 9,74
Jazyk: anglicky
The editors of Forbes Magazine present the 20 most amazing business success stories of all time Meet 20 of the most successful entrepreneurs in history and profit from their incredible stories. James Pierpont M
Sam Walton : Made in Ameri
Sam Walton : Made in America My Story
Stran: 368
Cena: £ 6,99
Jazyk: anglicky
In an account of his rise to the top of the American retail business, the reminiscences of the billionaire retailer are combined with interviews with Walton's family and friends.
Practical Speculation
Practical Speculation
Stran: 400
Cena: £ 9,09
Jazyk: anglicky
The follow-up to Victor Niederhoffer's critically and commercially acclaimed book The Education of a Speculator has finally arrived. Practical Speculation continues the story of a true market legend who ran a h
Business the Richard Brans
Business the Richard Branson Way: 10 Secrets of the World's Greatest Brand Builder (Big Shots Series)
Stran: 188
Cena: £ 6,99
Jazyk: anglicky
This is a very well written book and for less than a tenner is worth getting. It manages to give some insight into the workings of Richard Bransons Virgin empire, but certainly isn't going to turn the budding e
Softwar: An Intimate Portr
Softwar: An Intimate Portrait of Larry Ellison and Oracle
Stran: 528
Cena: £ 10,79
Jazyk: anglicky
A history of the computer company Oracle identifies the events and sometimes controversial choices that contributed to its rise to one of the industry's most powerful and profitable companies, noting its pencha