'Forbes' Greatest Business Stories of All Time: 20 Inspiring Tales of Entrepreneurs Who Ch…
The editors of Forbes Magazine present the 20 most amazing business success stories of all time Meet 20 of the most successful entrepreneurs in history and profit from their incredible stories. James Pierpont Morgan. Ray Kroc. Bill Gates. John D. Rockefeller. They are recognized American business titans. Everyone knows of their staggering wealth, their ability to seize opportunities and fulfill their own American dream. But how many people know the struggles they faced, the risks they took, and the creativity they displayed as they built their …
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 |
ISBN: 0471196533 |
Stran: 368 |
Cena: £ 9,74 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
1000 CEOs
From moguls to maverick CEOs, learn their secrets, share their success. From safe hands to young turks, risk takers to innovators - get the instant profiles of 1,000 of the world's best CEOs. Definitive biographies deliver all the essential information on each CEO's career, their highs, lows, management style, vision and distilled wisdom, providing vital lessons that will give you the competitive advantage. Pick up tips from the icons of business, from Bill Gates to Lou Gernster. Draw on the experiences of big partnerships and family dynasties …
Přidáno: 22.07.2009 |
ISBN: 1405334673 |
Stran: 512 |
Cena: £ 15,00 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip: Lead with Your Values and Make Money Too
Úspěšný obchod nemusí být vždy zrealizován na úkor lidských hodnot. Zeptejte se Bena a Jerryho, kteří svůj první obchod se zmrzlinou provozovali na čerpací stanici v opuštěném Vemontu a nyní již vydělali 160 miliónů dolarů. V této knize Vám vysvětlí to, co oni nazývají "value-led business".
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 |
ISBN: 0684838559 |
Stran: 304 |
Cena: £ 6,74 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Big Shots: 10 Secrets of the World's Greatest Deal Maker - Business the Rupert Murdoch Way…
Now brought completely up-to-date for this new edition, Business The Rupert Murdoch Way not only reveals the secrets of Murdoch's remarkable success but also draws out the universal lessons and identifies strategies that can be applied to any business or career. From thriving on risk to hard selling, and from loving the detail to betting big on the future, Business The Rupert Murdoch Way is a fascinating insight into what it takes to create a global business empire.
Přidáno: 26.10.2007 |
ISBN: 1841121509 |
Stran: 192 |
Cena: £ 8,99 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Big Shots: 10 Secrets of the World's Richest Business Leader (Big Shots Series)
Brought completely up to date for this new edition, Business The Bill Gates Way not only reveals the secrets of Gates' remarkable success but also draws out the universal lessons and identifies strategies that can be applied to any business or career. From hiring very smart people to loving what you make, and from crushing your competitors to never, ever taking your eye off the ball, Business The Bill Gates Way reveals the secrets of phenomenal success.
Přidáno: 26.10.2007 |
ISBN: 1841121487 |
Stran: 192 |
Cena: £ 6,99 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Business at the Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System (Penguin Longman Penguin …
Bill Gates je zakladatelem společnosti Microsoft a je zastáncem názoru, že obchody ovládají počítače stejně jako lidé ovladájí svůj nervový systém. V této knize popisuje myšlenku "digitálního nervového systému" - jakým způsobem mohou společnosti vydělat zpět veškeré peníze, které investovali do počítačů.
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 |
ISBN: 0582343003 |
Stran: 112 |
Cena: £ 5,49 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Business the Richard Branson Way: 10 Secrets of the World's Greatest Brand Builder (Big Sh…
This is a very well written book and for less than a tenner is worth getting. It manages to give some insight into the workings of Richard Bransons Virgin empire, but certainly isn't going to turn the budding entrepreneur into a multi-millionaire business tycoon. My only complaint is that large sections of the material in this publication have been 'lifted' directly from other books written about the toothy tycoon. If you're a fan of Mr. Branson then I would recommend you order his autobiography.
Přidáno: 26.10.2007 |
ISBN: 1841127647 |
Stran: 188 |
Cena: £ 6,99 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Common Sense Rules: What You Really Need to Know About Business
Business expert and “Dragon’s Den” denizen, Deborah Meaden has years of experience building up her own companies and investing in others. She has the ideal combination of knowledge, intuition, and common sense to get right down to what is needed to build a legendary success.From the Trade Paperback edition.
Přidáno: 22.07.2009 |
ISBN: 1847940218 |
Stran: 320 |
Cena: £ 11,39 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Direct From Dell: Strategies that Revolutionized an Industry
'Dell's story is the stuff high-tech legends are made of' ForbesAt the age of twelve Michael Dell earned USD 2,000 selling stamps, and by the age of eighteen he was selling customized PCs from his room. He went on to found one of the most successful computer businesses in the world, redefining the industry.Direct from Dell teaches you how to get on to the front of the pack and stay there. The pioneer shares his ideas on:* Why, initially, it's better to have too little capital rather than too much* How studying customers, not competition, will g…
Přidáno: 29.10.2007 |
ISBN: 1861975570 |
Stran: 256 |
Cena: £ 6,74 |
Jazyk: anglicky |