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Hledání v autorech: "Petter N. Kolm" | Nalezených publikací: 1
Financial Modeling of the Equity Market: From CAPM to Cointegration (Frank J. Fabozzi Seri
Financial Modeling of the Equity Market: From CAPM to Cointegration (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
Autor: Frank J. Fabozzi, Sergio M. Focardi, Petter N. Kolm | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
An inside look at modern approaches to modeling equity portfolios Financial Modeling of the Equity Market is the most comprehensive, up-to-date guide to modeling equity portfolios. The book is intended for a wide range of quantitative analysts, practitioners, and students of finance. Without sacrificing mathematical rigor, it presents arguments in a concise and clear style with a wealth of real-world examples and practical simulations. This book presents all the major approaches to single-period return analysis, including modeling, estimation
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 0471699004 Stran: 651 Cena: £ 48,88 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
kniha     autor
Energy Price Risk: Trading
Energy Price Risk: Trading and Price Risk Management (Finance and Capital Markets Series)
Stran: 554
Cena: £ 130,00
Jazyk: anglicky
An Introduction to Bond Ma
An Introduction to Bond Markets (Securities Institute)
Stran: 432
Cena: £ 20,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Tato kniha popisuje a vymezuje pojem dluhopisu v kontextu finančních trhů, taktéž popisuje jednotlivé typy dluhopisů. Dále zahrnuje pohled na jednolivé analytické modely použivané samostatnými obc
1000 CEOs
1000 CEOs
Stran: 512
Cena: £ 15,00
Jazyk: anglicky
From moguls to maverick CEOs, learn their secrets, share their success. From safe hands to young turks, risk takers to innovators - get the instant profiles of 1,000 of the world's best CEOs. Definitive biograp
Donald Trump: Master Appre
Donald Trump: Master Apprentice
Stran: 320
Cena: £ 10,55
Jazyk: anglicky
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip: Lead with Your Values and Make Money Too
Stran: 304
Cena: £ 6,74
Jazyk: anglicky
Úspěšný obchod nemusí být vždy zrealizován na úkor lidských hodnot. Zeptejte se Bena a Jerryho, kteří svůj první obchod se zmrzlinou provozovali na čerpací stanici v opuštěném Vemontu a nyní
The Smartest Guys in the R
The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron
Stran: 464
Cena: £ 6,99
Jazyk: anglicky
What went wrong with American business at the end of the 20th century? Until the spring of 2001, Enron epitomized the triumph of the New Economy. Feared by rivals, worshipped by investors, Enron seemingly could