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Hledání v autorech: "M.H. Miller" | Nalezených publikací: 3
Corporate Hedging in Theory and Practice: Lessons from Metallgesellschaft
Corporate Hedging in Theory and Practice: Lessons from Metallgesellschaft
Autor: C.L. Culp, M.H. Miller | Vydavatel: Risk Books
The book targets sophisticated audiences. Concepts are well developed, rigorous presented and meticulously referenced. There is some mathematics, but it appears primarily in later chapters. Audiences include managers interested in policy, traders who must understand complex hedging strategies and readers interested in the fall of Metallgesellschaft. For risk managers, both at financial organizations as well as corporations, the entire book is a gem.
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 1899332391 Stran: 240 Cena: £ 137,75 Jazyk: anglicky  
Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management
Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management
Autor: David A. Dubofsky, Thomas W. Miller | Vydavatel: OUP USA
This new project will draw heavily on the author's previous work on derivative securities (published by McGraw-Hill): Options and Financial Futures. Because of increasing interest in the use (and misuse) of derivative securities in portfolio management, new courses have emerged that are called "risk management," but are primarily based on valuation and application of derivatives. Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management will be reorganized in three parts: 1) Introduction to the securities and their use, 2) pricing of futures, swaps (new) and
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 0195114701 Stran: 672 Cena: £ 40,84 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Warren Buffett Way: Investment Strategies of the World's Greatest Investor (Wiley Inve
The Warren Buffett Way: Investment Strategies of the World's Greatest Investor (Wiley Investment Classic)
Autor: Robert G. Hagstrom, Bill Miller, Ken Fisher | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 0471648116 Stran: 272 Cena: £ 11,89 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
kniha     autor
Currency Trading and Forex
Currency Trading and Forex 100 Success Secrets - 100 Most Asked Questions on Becoming a Successful Currency Trader
Stran: 184
Cena: £ 13,95
Jazyk: anglicky
This book hits the mark, it is perfect for getting the big picture view of Forex trading. Not only does it cover the technical and fundamental aspects that a successful Forex trader needs to know, but it covers
Donald Trump: Master Appre
Donald Trump: Master Apprentice
Stran: 320
Cena: £ 10,55
Jazyk: anglicky
Equity Derivatives and Mar
Equity Derivatives and Market Risk Models
Stran: 250
Cena: £ 137,75
Jazyk: anglicky
Vynikající publikace napsaná ve spolupráci s jedním z nejlepších investičních expertů Deutsche Bank. Kniha se zaměřuje především na deriváty, oceňování derivátů a hedging.
All About Bonds and Bond M
All About Bonds and Bond Mutual Funds: The Easy Way to Get Started
Stran: 342
Cena: £ 9,99
Jazyk: anglicky
V této knize se dozvíte všechny informace týkající se dluhopisů a fondů peněžního trhu. Tuto knihu vřele doporučujeme všem investorům, kteří se věnují obchodování s dluhopisy.
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip: Lead with Your Values and Make Money Too
Stran: 304
Cena: £ 6,74
Jazyk: anglicky
Úspěšný obchod nemusí být vždy zrealizován na úkor lidských hodnot. Zeptejte se Bena a Jerryho, kteří svůj první obchod se zmrzlinou provozovali na čerpací stanici v opuštěném Vemontu a nyní
Multi-Asset Class Investme
Multi-Asset Class Investment Strategy
Stran: 320
Cena: £ 31,88
Jazyk: anglicky
The book explains that instead of asset allocation being set in an isolated and arbitrary fashion, it is in fact the way in which specific hurdle investment returns can be targeted, and that this approach is al