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Hledání v autorech: "Ilyce R. Glink" | Nalezených publikací: 1
50 Simple Steps You Can Take to Disaster-Proof Your Finances
50 Simple Steps You Can Take to Disaster-Proof Your Finances
Autor: Ilyce R. Glink | Vydavatel: Three Rivers Press (CA)
The best time to plan for trouble—the death of a spouse, the collapse of a business, the loss of your home—is before you’re overwhelmed by it. This is especially important if you have a family or a small business or are beginning to save for your retirement. But what should you do first? In 50 Simple Steps You Can Take to Disaster-Proof Your Finances, money and real estate expert Ilyce Glink walks you step by step through the things you need to do to protect your family and your money so you can survive any crisis. Topics include:* Gettin
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 0609809954 Stran: 272 Cena: £ 272,00 Jazyk: anglicky  
kniha     autor
Sam Walton : Made in Ameri
Sam Walton : Made in America My Story
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In an account of his rise to the top of the American retail business, the reminiscences of the billionaire retailer are combined with interviews with Walton's family and friends.
Risk From the CEO and Boar
Risk From the CEO and Board Perspective: What All Managers Need to Know About Growth in a Turbulent World
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Pricing and Revenue Optimi
Pricing and Revenue Optimization
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Jazyk: anglicky
This is the first comprehensive introduction to the concepts, theories, and applications of pricing and revenue optimization. From the initial success of "yield management" in the commercial airline industry do
Risk Management
Risk Management
Stran: 752
Cena: £ 34,49
Jazyk: anglicky
This is the all-in-one banker's and financial manager's guide for implementing and using an effective risk management program. In today's world of multibillion-dollar credit losses and bailouts, it has become i