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Hledání v autorech: "Greg N. Gregoriou" | Nalezených publikací: 3
Commodity Trading Advisors: Risk, Performance Analysis, and Selection (Wiley Finance)
Commodity Trading Advisors: Risk, Performance Analysis, and Selection (Wiley Finance)
Authoritative, up-to-date research and analysis that provides a dramatic new understanding of the rewards-and risks-of investing in CTAs Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) are an increasingly popular and potentially profitable investment alternative for institutional investors and high-net-worth individuals. Commodity Trading Advisors is one of the first books to study their performance in detail and analyze the "survivorship bias" present in CTA performance data. This book investigates the many benefits and risks associated with CTAs, examini
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 ISBN: 0471681946 Stran: 424 Cena: £ 48,99 Jazyk: anglicky  
Funds of Hedge Funds: Performance, Assessment, Diversification, and Statistical Properties
Funds of Hedge Funds: Performance, Assessment, Diversification, and Statistical Properties: Performance, Assessment, Diversification and Statistical Properties (Quantitative Finance)
Autor: Greg N. Gregoriou | Vydavatel: A Butterworth-Heinemann Title
With about $450 billion in assets, funds of hedge funds are the most recent darling of investors. While hedge funds carry high risk for the promise of high returns they are designed for the very rich and for large institutional investors such as pension funds. "A Fund of Hedge Funds" (FOF) spreads investments among a number of hedge funds to reduce risk and provide diversification, while maintaining the potential for higher than average returns. Odds are that some pension fund of yours is invested heavily in these products, and more recently th
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 0750679840 Stran: 496 Cena: £ 48,45 Jazyk: anglicky  
Hedge Funds and Managed Futures: A Handbook for Institutional Investors
Hedge Funds and Managed Futures: A Handbook for Institutional Investors
Autor: Greg N. Gregoriou, Dieter G. Kaiser | Vydavatel: Risk Books
This work evaluates four key topics from a critical perspective: benchmarking and performance measurement; risk management; portfolio management; and asset allocation. Written by leading finance academics, industry commentators and practitioners. The independence of their views and the academic-professional balance reflects an intellectual maturity and confidence which is essential in maintaining a healthy industry. The reader's ability to generate alpha and structure genuinely innovative products will be paramount to the growth of their busine
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 1904339530 Stran: 565 Cena: £ 94,05 Jazyk: anglicky  
kniha     autor
The Four Pillars of Invest
The Four Pillars of Investing: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio: Lessons for Building a Winning Portfolio
Stran: 240
Cena: £ 14,44
Jazyk: anglicky
Here is the sound, sensible advice from a hero to frustrated investors everywhere. William Bernstein's "The Four Pillars of Investing" gives investors the tools they need to construct top-returning portfolios -
Selling the Intangible Com
Selling the Intangible Company: How to Negotiate and Capture the Value of a Growth Firm (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 326
Cena: £ 55,25
Jazyk: anglicky
In Selling the Intangible Company, Thomas Metz helps entrepreneurs and venture capitalists to better understand the process of selling a company whose value is strategic. He addresses all the key issues surroun
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip
Ben and Jerry's Double-dip: Lead with Your Values and Make Money Too
Stran: 304
Cena: £ 6,74
Jazyk: anglicky
Úspěšný obchod nemusí být vždy zrealizován na úkor lidských hodnot. Zeptejte se Bena a Jerryho, kteří svůj první obchod se zmrzlinou provozovali na čerpací stanici v opuštěném Vemontu a nyní
The Encyclopedia of Commod
The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads (Wiley Trading)
Stran: 408
Cena: £ 48,88
Jazyk: anglicky
Kniha "The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads" je rozdělena dle obchodovaných komodit do několika kategorií - energie, zemní plyn, maso, sojové boby, kukuřice/corn/pšenice, měny, úrokové
Trading Secrets: 20 Hard a
Trading Secrets: 20 Hard and Fast Rules to Help You Beat the Stock Market (Financial Times Series)
Stran: 200
Cena: £ 12,74
Jazyk: anglicky
Have you ever wondered how the top City traders make big profits from share trading? Do you know why the best investors know exactly when the market is going to rise or fall? And do you wish you could do the sa
Practical Speculation
Practical Speculation
Stran: 400
Cena: £ 9,09
Jazyk: anglicky
The follow-up to Victor Niederhoffer's critically and commercially acclaimed book The Education of a Speculator has finally arrived. Practical Speculation continues the story of a true market legend who ran a h