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Hledání v autorech: "Don Devitto" | Nalezených publikací: 1
Irrational Markets and the Illusion of Prosperity
Irrational Markets and the Illusion of Prosperity
Autor: Don Devitto | Vydavatel: Glenlake Publishing Co ,U.S.
Irrational exuberance - the now-famous utterance of Alan Greenspan, referred to the seemingly unending upward spiral of the stock market. Of course, as every investor knows, the stock market plummeted after this comment was made, only to recover and exceed every known record over the next year. Nothing, it appears, could keep this market down: not inflationary pressures, concerns over the Asian economic crisis, lack of earnings in many companies, nor elevated stock prices. Nothing, it seems, could stop investors in their passion for bidding up
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 188899892X Stran: 188 Cena: £ 31,99 Jazyk: anglicky  
kniha     autor
Softwar: An Intimate Portr
Softwar: An Intimate Portrait of Larry Ellison and Oracle
Stran: 528
Cena: £ 9,16
Jazyk: anglicky
A history of the computer company Oracle identifies the events and sometimes controversial choices that contributed to its rise to one of the industry's most powerful and profitable companies, noting its pencha
Hedging Instruments and Ri
Hedging Instruments and Risk Management: How to Use Derivatives to Control Financial Risk in Any Market (McGraw-Hill Library of Investment & Finance)
Stran: 432
Cena: £ 29,49
Jazyk: anglicky
Books on complex hedging instruments are often more confusing than the instruments themselves. "Hedging Instruments and Risk Management" brings clarity to the topic, giving money managers the straightforward kn
Bonds and Bond Derivatives
Bonds and Bond Derivatives
Stran: 320
Cena: £ 29,69
Jazyk: anglicky
Kniha obsahuje informace o trhu s dluhopisy a trhu derivátů na dluhopisy, které ocení nejen studenti, ale i manažeři obchodních společností a finančních institucí. Autor ve své knize vysvětluje r�
Equity Derivatives and Mar
Equity Derivatives and Market Risk Models
Stran: 250
Cena: £ 137,75
Jazyk: anglicky
Vynikající publikace napsaná ve spolupráci s jedním z nejlepších investičních expertů Deutsche Bank. Kniha se zaměřuje především na deriváty, oceňování derivátů a hedging.
Technical Analysis for the
Technical Analysis for the Trading Professional: Strategies and Techniques for Superior Returns (McGraw-Hill Trader's Edge)
Stran: 341
Cena: £ 19,99
Jazyk: anglicky
This groundbreaking book reveals all new indicators, including a new derivative oscillator and a new Composite Index indicator. The influential technician, Dr. Henry Pruden, praises the author's work as, "...a
The Encyclopedia of Commod
The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads (Wiley Trading)
Stran: 408
Cena: £ 51,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Kniha "The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads" je rozdělena dle obchodovaných komodit do několika kategorií - energie, zemní plyn, maso, sojové boby, kukuřice/corn/pšenice, měny, úrokové