The New Generation of Risk Management for Hedge Funds and Private Equity Investments
The New Generation of Risk Management for Hedge Funds and Private Equity Investments has been designed to address issues that raise disquiet among investors in alternative investments. This book describes and evaluates the unique risks affecting individual hedge fund strategies, private equity investments and generic risks of types of alternative investment strategies. Ensuring that both institutional investors and private investors have the information they need to be able to evaluate their investment advice and effectively allocate and manage…
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 |
ISBN: 1843741350 |
Stran: 462 |
Cena: £ 145,00 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The New Paradigm for Financial Markets: The Credit Crisis of 2008 and What It Means
In the midst of the most serious financial upheaval since the Great Depression, legendary financier George Soros explores the origins of the crisis and its implications for the future. Soros, whose breadth of experience in financial markets is unrivaled, places the current crisis in the context of decades of study of how individuals and institutions handle the boom and bust cycles that now dominate global economic activity. “This is the worst financial crisis since the 1930s,” writes Soros in characterizing the scale of financial distress s…
Přidáno: 29.05.2008 |
ISBN: 1586486837 |
Stran: 208 |
Cena: £ 9,99 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The Operational Risk Manager's Guide: How to Understand Methodologies, Policies and Proced…
Scandizzo highlights the requisite set of skills and competences that a successful operational risk manager must possess and discusses the key requirements of the role, such as how to: write an operational risk policy; develop strong working relationships with senior management, front and back office staff, IT, compliance and audit professionals; advise management on the identification and mitigation of operational risks; embed a culture of risk management throughout the business; and develop, maintain and review a risk management framework. Wr…
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 |
ISBN: 1904339751 |
Stran: 150 |
Cena: £ 248,99 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The Professional's Handbook of Financial Risk Management
The Professional's Handbook of Financial Risk Management is a major reference work in finance. A complete practical reference book covering all aspects of financial risk management including an in-depth look at operational risk management, regulation, risk-based capital, and risk adjusted performance measurement. The book focuses on practical financial risk management techniques and solutions, and is designed to guide the risk professional step-by-step through the implementation of a firm-wide risk management framework.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0750641118 |
Stran: 832 |
Cena: £ 247,00 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The Tolerability of Risk: A New Framework for Risk Management (Risk, Society & Policy)
There is increasing dissatisfaction with how risk is regulated. This is leading to vivid debates about the use of 'risk assessment' and 'precaution' and, as a result, academics, government officials and industry leaders are calling for new approaches and fresh ideas. The book provides a historical and topical perspective on the alternative concept of 'Tolerability of Risk' (TOR) and its concrete regulatory applications. In the UK, "Tolerability of Risk" has been developed into a sophisticated framework particularly within the health and safety …
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 |
ISBN: 184407398X |
Stran: 176 |
Cena: £ 72,25 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Trading Risk: Enhanced Profitability Through Risk Control (Wiley Trading)
Revolutionary techniques that traders can implement to improve profits and avoid losses No trader, professional or individual, can afford not to have a solid risk management program integrated into his or her trading system. But finding a precise mathematical model to replace subjective decision-making processes is a challenge. Traditionally, risk management has focused solely on loss avoidance, but in Trading Risk, hedge fund risk manager Kenneth Grant presents some-thing completely newhow to manage a portfolio to minimize risk and increase …
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0471650919 |
Stran: 272 |
Cena: £ 40,38 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Trust in Cooperative Risk Management: Uncertainty and Scepticism in the Public Mind (Risk,…
Trust is an important factor in risk management, affecting judgements of risk and benefit, technology acceptance and other forms of cooperation. In this book, the world's leading risk researchers explore all aspects of trust as it relates to risk management and communication. Drawing on a wide variety of disciplinary approaches and empirical case studies (on topics such as mobile phone technology, well-known food accidents and crises, wetland management, smallpox vaccination, cooperative risk management of US forests and the disposal of the Bre…
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 |
ISBN: 1844074242 |
Stran: 312 |
Cena: £ 57,00 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Understanding and Managing Risk Attitude
Despite many years of development, risk management remains problematic for the majority of organizations. One common challenge is the human dimension, in other words, the way people perceive risk and risk management. Risk management processes and techniques are operated by people, each of whom is a complex individual, influenced by many different factors. And the problem is compounded by the fact that most risk management involves people working in groups. This introduces further layers of complexity through relationships and group dynamics. Da…
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0566087987 |
Stran: 180 |
Cena: £ 23,75 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Value Added Risk Management - In Financial Institutions
Risk management je strategickým nástrojem pro řízení rizika a ochrany investic za požití statistických, matematických a finančních technik, které při správném používání vytvářejí vysoké výnosy vůči přesně definovanému riziku. Adding Value Through Risk Management popisuje správné používání těchto technik, jejich použití v praxi a strategickou hodnotu pro finanční instituce.
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0470821159 |
Stran: 300 |
Cena: £ 68,00 |
Jazyk: anglicky |