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Autor: Robert W. Kolb | Vydavatel: WileyBlackwell
The third edition of Options is a comprehensive look at the most simple to the more complex use and structure of options. Presented in a non-mathematical format, the reader will be able to understand how options are priced, how they are traded and what their payoffs might be. Although there is a significant discussion of American options, there is also extensive coverage of foreign currency options including European options as well. A new chapter covering exotic options has been added to allow the reader to explore some of the more contemporar
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 157718064X Stran: 368 Cena: £ 27,54 Jazyk: anglicky  
Options Classic Approaches: Modelling and Pricing Risk
Options Classic Approaches: Modelling and Pricing Risk
Autor: John C. Cox | Vydavatel: Risk Books
* Selected 'classic' options papers from the 1960's to the 1990's, each of which as brought a truly innovative approach to the business of financial engineering * A unique compilation of papers brings together writing from Black and Scholes, Samuelson, Hull and White and Margrabe as well as other leading theoreticians * An invaluable reference tool on options pricing and modelling
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 1899332669 Stran: 475 Cena: £ 76,00 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Options Explained (Finance & capital markets series)
Options Explained (Finance & capital markets series)
Autor: Robert Tompkins | Vydavatel: Palgrave Macmillan
Unlike most books on derivative products, Options Explained 2 is a practical guide, covering theoretical concepts only where they are essential to applying options on a wide variety of assets. Written with the emphasis on a practical, straightforward approach, Options Explained succeeds in demystifying what has traditionally been treated as a highly complex product. The second edition also includes over 100 pages of new material, with sections on exotic options, worldwide accounting practices and issues in volatility estimation.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 0333628071 Stran: 621 Cena: £ 118,75 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Options Markers (International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics)
Options Markers (International Library of Critical Writings in Financial Economics)
Autor: George M. Constantinides, A.G. Melliaris | Vydavatel: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd
This collection of articles draws from work on derivatives from the last 25 years. The three volumes cover topics including: the theory, pricing and empirical evidence evidence on equity derivatives; fixed-income derivatives; exotics; real options; numerical methods; and risk management. The historical perspective offered by the book aims to offer fresh insight into derivatives.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 1840640146 Stran: 1936 Cena: £ 485,00 Jazyk: anglicky  
Options, Futures and Other Derivatives
Options, Futures and Other Derivatives
Autor: John C. Hull | Vydavatel: Prentice Hall
How do you bring real world scenarios into your course? Or would you like to? Business Snapshots (about 60 in total, found in almost all chapters)—Carefully thought out and integrated into the main material in chapters. Describe real world situations and interesting issues that are highlighted to illustrate points being made throughout the text. Completely revised chapters on credit risk and credit derivatives (Ch 20 and 21)—Reflects market developments. Makes these chapters in this edition more straightforward and easier to teach. Ope
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 0131499084 Stran: 816 Cena: £ 82,44 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Pricing Money: A Beginner's Guide to Money, Bonds, Futures, and Swaps: A Beginner's Guide
Pricing Money: A Beginner's Guide to Money, Bonds, Futures, and Swaps: A Beginner's Guide to Money, Bonds Futures and Swaps
Autor: J. D. A. Wiseman | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
Pricing Money provides a highly practical introduction to the principles of bonds and fixed income and is aimed at readers who have little prior knowledge. The book is written in a style that is not overly mathematical or theoretical but takes a practical approach focusing on the aspects of pricing and trading fixed-income securities that are most relevant to the day-to-day activities of people working in the markets. Starting at a basic level the author explains the concepts and principles behind fixed income in an informative way using every
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 ISBN: 0471487007 Stran: 192 Cena: £ 31,99 Jazyk: anglicky  
Put Options: How to Use This Powerful Financial Tool for Profit & Protection: How to Us
Put Options: How to Use This Powerful Financial Tool for Profit & Protection: How to Use This Powerful Financial Tool for Profit and Protection
Autor: Jeffrey M. Cohen | Vydavatel: McGraw-Hill Professional
This book shows you how to profit from put options, the straightforward, versatile tool that any investor can use. "Put Options" provides complete information for understanding and using puts, the easy to-use investment designed to help investors lower risk and increase overall returns. Misunderstood by most investors as being far too complex, aggressive, and risky to bother with, puts are actually one of the safest end most versatile risk-hedging instruments available, and suitable for virtually any investor. "Put Options" explains why and how
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 007141665X Stran: 288 Cena: £ 31,44 Jazyk: anglicky  
Real Options and Business Strategy
Real Options and Business Strategy
Autor: Lenos Trigeorgis | Vydavatel: Risk Books
* Presents the real options approach and provides objective insight into the uncertainty present enabling professionals to strength their strategic decision making and improve organisational competitiveness. * A practical approach with illustrative working examples of the main real options users * Methodologies of financial option pricing applied to corporate investment decisions in a non-mathematical manner * Comparison between the application of option-pricing approach and other decision making tools
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 1899332472 Stran: 300 Cena: £ 76,00 Jazyk: anglicky  
Real Options in Practice (Wiley Finance)
Real Options in Practice (Wiley Finance)
Autor: Marion A. Brach | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
Explores real option theory applied in practice Real options are quickly becoming the valuation and decision-making method of choice for many companies, including oil and gas companies, utilities and natural resource companies, pharmaceutical and biotech companies, Internet companies, and many others. Real Options in Practice allows readers to view the world of real options from the vantage point of a corporate practitioner applying real option valuation techniques on a regular basis. Expert Marion Brach describes the challenges of implement
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 0471263087 Stran: 320 Cena: £ 46,75 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Robust Libor Modelling and Pricing of Derivative Products (Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial
Robust Libor Modelling and Pricing of Derivative Products (Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series)
Autor: John Schoenmakers | Vydavatel: Chapman & Hall
This is one of Riskbook.com's Best of 2005 - Top Ten Finance Books. The Libor market model remains one of the most popular and advanced tools for modelling interest rates and interest rate derivatives, but finding a useful procedure for calibrating the model has been a perennial problem. Also the respective pricing of exotic derivative products such as Bermudan callable structures is considered highly non-trivial. In recent studies, author John Schoen makers and his colleagues developed a fast and robust implied method for calibrating the Libor
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 ISBN: 158488441X Stran: 224 Cena: £ 63,64 Jazyk: anglicky  
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kniha     autor
The Real Options Analysis
The Real Options Analysis Course: Business Cases and Software Applications (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 320
Cena: £ 178,50
Jazyk: anglicky
Většině investorů a risk manažerů je investování pomocí opcí dobře známé. Kniha "Real Options Analysis Course: Business Cases and Software Applications" však čtenářům poskytuje hlubší přehl
DeMark on Day Trading Opti
DeMark on Day Trading Options: Using Options to Cash in on the Day Trading Phenomenon
Stran: 358
Cena: £ 22,79
Jazyk: anglicky
"DeMark on Day Trading Options" je první knihou kombinující 2 dnes největší obchodní fenomény a to akciové obchodování a opční obchodování. Tom DeMark v knize prezentuje také metody tzv. opční
Real Options in Practice (
Real Options in Practice (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 320
Cena: £ 46,75
Jazyk: anglicky
Explores real option theory applied in practice Real options are quickly becoming the valuation and decision-making method of choice for many companies, including oil and gas companies, utilities and natural
Black Scholes and Beyond:
Black Scholes and Beyond: Option Pricing Models
Stran: 496
Cena: £ 34,84
Jazyk: anglicky
Úspěšná publikace, která se zabývá oceňováním opcí! Popisuje modely používané pro oceňování opcí - Black-Scholesův model a modely z něj vycházející, jako je např. Cox-Ross-Rubinsteinův
Options Explained (Finance
Options Explained (Finance & capital markets series)
Stran: 621
Cena: £ 118,75
Jazyk: anglicky
Unlike most books on derivative products, Options Explained 2 is a practical guide, covering theoretical concepts only where they are essential to applying options on a wide variety of assets. Written with the
Complete Guide to Options
Complete Guide to Options Pricing Formulas
Stran: 232
Cena: £ 34,99
Jazyk: anglicky
The world of options has moved beyond the simple Black-Schooles pricing model, making more types of options available. "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas" is the first reference manual on options pr