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Complete Guide to Options Pricing Formulas
Complete Guide to Options Pricing Formulas
Autor: Espen Gaardner Haug | Vydavatel: Irwin Professional (USA)
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The world of options has moved beyond the simple Black-Schooles pricing model, making more types of options available. "The Complete Guide to Option Pricing Formulas" is the first reference manual on options pricing formulas, one that every professional options trader and institutional money manager will need. Designed for the practitioner, this reference offers formulas used daily by some of the best talent on Wall Street. Complete with numerical examples and explanations, Haug's "stamp collection" of formulas is an ideal supplement for anyone working with financial options.

Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 0786312408 Stran: 232 Cena: £ 34,99 Jazyk: anglicky
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