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Trading Options at Expiration: Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame
Trading Options at Expiration: Strategies and Models for Winning the Endgame
Autor: Jeff Augen | Vydavatel: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall
'Learn and profit from Jeff Augen's book: It clearly explains how to take advantage of market inefficiencies in collapsing implied volatility, effects of strike price, and time decay. A must-read for individuals who are options oriented.' --Ralph J. Acampora, CMT, Director of Technical Analysis Studies, New York Institute of Finance 'A fantastic, insightful book full of meticulously compiled statistics about anomalies that surround option expiration. Not only does Augen present a set of effective trading strategies to capitalize on these anoma
Přidáno: 05.03.2009 ISBN: 0135058724 Stran: 176 Cena: £ 22,09 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Art of Trade: What I Learned (and Lost) Trading the Chicago Futures Markets
The Art of Trade: What I Learned (and Lost) Trading the Chicago Futures Markets
Autor: Jason Alan Jankovsky | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
The Art of the Trade is a searing portrait of the futures and options industry as seen through the eyes of someone who has participated in this arena for more than twenty years. On one level, its a brutally honest, no-punches-pulled look at the individuals and institutions that comprise this unique community. On another level, The Art of the Trade is a personal story of the challenges author Alan Jankovsky faced as he battled the markets, the brokerage industry, and his own early penchant for self-destruction.
Přidáno: 30.12.2008 ISBN: 0470138998 Stran: 208 Cena: £ 16,99 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
The Forex Options Course: A Self-study Guide to Trading Currency Options (Wiley Trading)
The Forex Options Course: A Self-study Guide to Trading Currency Options (Wiley Trading)
Autor: Abe Cofnas | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
The Forex Options Course is a practical, hands-on guide to understanding and trading forex options. Designed to build a trader's knowledge base in a step-by-step manner, this reliable resource moves from the straightforward to the more sophisticated with discussions of everything from basic plain vanilla calls and puts to intriguing first-generation exotic binary options. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, The Forex Options Course will help you develop the skills and strategies needed to succeed in today's dynamic forex market.
Přidáno: 30.12.2008 ISBN: 0470243740 Stran: 218 Cena: £ 29,75 Jazyk: anglicky  
Commodity Options: Trading and Hedging Volatility in the World's Most Lucrative Market
Commodity Options: Trading and Hedging Volatility in the World's Most Lucrative Market
Autor: Carley Garner, Paul Brittain | Vydavatel: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall
Investors worldwide are discovering the enormous opportunities available through commodity options trading. However, because commodities have differing underlying characteristics from equities, commodity options behave differently as well. In this book, two of the field's most respected analysts present strategies built from the ground up for commodity options. Carley Garner and Paul Brittain begin with a quick primer on how commodity options work, how they evolved, and why conventional options strategies often fail in the commodity options mar
Přidáno: 30.12.2008 ISBN: 0137142862 Stran: 288 Cena: £ 19,54 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Option Spread Strategies: Trading Up, Down, and Sideways Markets: Trading Up, Down and Sid
Option Spread Strategies: Trading Up, Down, and Sideways Markets: Trading Up, Down and Sideways Markets
Autor: Anthony J. Saliba | Vydavatel: Bloomberg Press
Saliba is back with the best option trading strategies for all markets, whether they are trending up, down, or sideways. Exercises and quizzes are included to reinforce lessons throughout the book.
Přidáno: 30.12.2008 ISBN: 1576602605 Stran: 288 Cena: £ 17,05 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Art of Trade: What I Learned (and Lost) Trading the Chicago Futures Markets
The Art of Trade: What I Learned (and Lost) Trading the Chicago Futures Markets
Autor: Jason Alan Jankovsky | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
The Art of the Trade is a searing portrait of the futures and options industry as seen through the eyes of someone who has participated in this arena for more than twenty years. On one level, its a brutally honest, no-punches-pulled look at the individuals and institutions that comprise this unique community. On another level, The Art of the Trade is a personal story of the challenges author Alan Jankovsky faced as he battled the markets, the brokerage industry, and his own early penchant for self-destruction.
Přidáno: 30.12.2008 ISBN: 0470138998 Stran: 208 Cena: £ 16,99 Jazyk: anglicky  
kniha     autor
DeMark on Day Trading Opti
DeMark on Day Trading Options: Using Options to Cash in on the Day Trading Phenomenon
Stran: 358
Cena: £ 22,79
Jazyk: anglicky
"DeMark on Day Trading Options" je první knihou kombinující 2 dnes největší obchodní fenomény a to akciové obchodování a opční obchodování. Tom DeMark v knize prezentuje také metody tzv. opční
Valuation of Fixed Income
Valuation of Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives (Frank J. Fabozzi Series)
Stran: 288
Cena: £ 51,00
Jazyk: anglicky
Autor knihy J. Fabozzi poskytuje ve své publikaci návod na oceňování produktů s pevným výnosem, oceňování dluhopisových portfolií zajištěných opcemi a oceňování úrokových instrumentů caps
Derivatives Demystified: A
Derivatives Demystified: A Step-by-Step Guide to Forwards, Futures, Swaps and Options (The Wiley Finance Series)
Stran: 250
Cena: £ 36,75
Jazyk: anglicky
The book is a step-by-step guide to derivative products. By distilling the complex mathematics and theory that underlie the subject, Chisholm explains derivative products in straightforward terms, focusing on a
The Real Options Analysis
The Real Options Analysis Course: Business Cases and Software Applications (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 320
Cena: £ 178,50
Jazyk: anglicky
Většině investorů a risk manažerů je investování pomocí opcí dobře známé. Kniha "Real Options Analysis Course: Business Cases and Software Applications" však čtenářům poskytuje hlubší přehl
Options, Futures and Other
Options, Futures and Other Derivatives
Stran: 816
Cena: £ 82,44
Jazyk: anglicky
How do you bring real world scenarios into your course? Or would you like to? Business Snapshots (about 60 in total, found in almost all chapters)—Carefully thought out and integrated into the main material
Black Scholes and Beyond:
Black Scholes and Beyond: Option Pricing Models
Stran: 496
Cena: £ 34,84
Jazyk: anglicky
Úspěšná publikace, která se zabývá oceňováním opcí! Popisuje modely používané pro oceňování opcí - Black-Scholesův model a modely z něj vycházející, jako je např. Cox-Ross-Rubinsteinův