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Hedge Fund Risk Fundamenta
Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals: Solving the Risk Management and Transparency Challenge (Bloomberg Professional Library)
Stran: 308
Cena: £ 33,25
Jazyk: anglicky
Hedge Fund Risk Fundamentals is the first book to bring these issues to the forefront. With clarity, concision, and minimal math, Richard Horwitz lays out the key components and the cutting-edge processes in th
The Strategy and Tactics o
The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably (Pie)
Stran: 368
Cena: £ 45,59
Jazyk: anglicky
V Knize "The Strategy and Tactics of Pricing: A Guide to Growing More Profitably" jsou podrobně popsány různé formy oceňování majetku včetně vhodných strategií oceňování, které ocení nejen stude
The Fundamentals of Hedge
The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management: How to Successfully Launch and Operate a Hedge Fund (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 192
Cena: £ 45,50
Jazyk: anglicky
This book offers the tools and techniques needed to successfully launch and maintain a hedge fund. In "The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management", both budding and established hedge fund managers will learn the
Advanced Macroeconomics
Advanced Macroeconomics
Stran: 696
Cena: £ 41,79
Jazyk: anglicky
Kniha Davida Romera "Advanced Macroeconomics" je výchozí knihou pro všechny, kteří se zabývají makroekonomií a monetární ekonomií. Popisuje a analyzuje důležité makroekonomické teorie, které jso
Bonds and Bond Derivatives
Bonds and Bond Derivatives
Stran: 320
Cena: £ 33,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Kniha obsahuje informace o trhu s dluhopisy a trhu derivátů na dluhopisy, které ocení nejen studenti, ale i manažeři obchodních společností a finančních institucí. Autor ve své knize vysvětluje r�
Macroeconomics: Understand
Macroeconomics: Understanding the Wealth of Nations, 2nd Edition
Stran: 632
Cena: £ 37,04
Jazyk: anglicky
An original and interesting macroeconomics text. It is a self-contained volume which any student and teacher of economics within the higher education sector will find extremely useful.