Hot Commodities: How Anyone Can Invest Profitably in the World's Best Market
This is a limited supply copy of the hardcover book personally autographed by the author. Get your copy of this collectible item, autographed by the legendary Jim Rogers himself!According to Jim Rogers, 'commodities get no respect.' Here are a few reasons why he thinks they should: they are easier to comprehend and study than stocks and behave more rationally since they are subject to the basic laws of supply and demand; they have outperformed many other investment options in recent years; it is foolish to ignore an entire sector of the marketp…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0470510765 |
Stran: 272 |
Cena: £ 7,49 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
Investing in Gold: The Essential Safe Haven Investment for Every Portfolio
Can you afford not to buy gold?. As many investors know, gold is a safe-haven asset that can actually increase in value during stock market slides and times of recession. But what else do you really know about this commodity? Are you taking full advantage of it? Do you know how to work it into your overall investment strategy?. This detailed tutorial provides you with a comprehensive understanding of gold, from mine to market. Jonathan Spall, a 25-year veteran of the metals market, explains everything you'll need to know for making gold a profi…
Přidáno: 05.03.2009 |
ISBN: 0071603468 |
Stran: 240 |
Cena: £ 12,59 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
New Blueprints for Gains in Stocks and Grains (Traders Masterclass)
This text explains the theory and application of William Dunnigan's "one-way" formula for profiting from stocks and commodities. This theory can be applied to all stocks and any commodity market and can easily be followed on Dunnigan's price charts without time-consuming calculations.
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0273630962 |
Stran: 304 |
Cena: £ 42,75 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
New Blueprints for Gains in Stocks and Grains and One-way Formula for Trading in Stocks an…
Easy to use, and adopted by many successful traders over the years, William Dunnigan's One-Way Formula for Trading in Stocks and Commodities is a robust and reliable mechanical approach to buy/sell decision-making in speculative markets. A rare example of a 'universal' formula, this technique can be applied to almost any stock or commodity market, and requires little more than accurate line and bar charts.
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 |
ISBN: 1897597576 |
Stran: 292 |
Cena: £ 37,99 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The Complete Guide to Futures Trading: What You Need to Know About the Risks and Rewards
Many investors learn how to trade equity options, but many are unfamiliar with futures. As headlines about commodity prices proliferate, active, self-directed investors are turning their attention to futures. The Complete Guide to Futures Trading is a comprehensive introductory handbook to investing with commodity futures, including the increasingly popular mini(r) stock index futures and the new singles stock futures contracts. It offers how-to advice from finding a broker to opening an account to making a trade, and provides advice based on y…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 047148802X |
Stran: 295 |
Cena: £ 12,99 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The CRB Commodity Yearbook 2006
Od roku 1939, obchodníci, investoři, analitici, portfolio manažeři a spekulanti z celého světa se spoléhají na CRB (Commodity Research Bureau), které jim pomáhá a zajišťuje lepší přehled a orientaci na komoditním trhu. Komoditní trh pokrývá vše od alkoholu až po zinek. V knize "The CRB Commodity Yearbook" naleznete vše co by měl znát každý investiční expert do komodit.
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0471771821 |
Stran: 384 |
Cena: £ 102,00 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The CRB Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Prices (CRB Encyclopedia of Commodity & …
A Comprehensive Reference Guide to the Commodity and Financial Markets from the Trusted Professionals at CRB Since 1934, traders, investors, analysts, portfolio managers, and speculators around the world have relied on the Commodity Research Bureau (CRB) to help them navigate the uncertainties of the commodity and financial markets. Today, The CRB Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Prices continues this long-standing tradition, by offering a comprehensive guide to commodity and financial prices. For its wealth of information and the a…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0471784435 |
Stran: 384 |
Cena: £ 102,00 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads (Wiley Trading)
Kniha "The Encyclopedia of Commodity and Financial Spreads" je rozdělena dle obchodovaných komodit do několika kategorií - energie, zemní plyn, maso, sojové boby, kukuřice/corn/pšenice, měny, úrokové sazby a kovy. Ke všem z těchto komodit jsou zaznamenány vývoje cen za posledních 20 let včetně vývojového grafu, na kterém je tento vývoj přesně vidět a 175 obchodů které na nich byly provedeny. Všechny obchody jsou podrobně popsány např. důvod nákupu/prodeje, historie obchodů a doporučení. Steve W. Moore obchduj…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0471716006 |
Stran: 408 |
Cena: £ 48,88 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The Financial Times Guide to Investing
Glen Arnold | Vydavatel: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall
Kniha "The Financial Times Guide to Investing" přiblíží čtenářům nejen umění a krásu investování, ale naučí je také, jak správně a úspěšně investovat. Prostřednictvím této knihy se seznámíte s fungováním finančních trhů, investičním rozhodováním a dalšími různými situacemi, včetně příkladů při investování do akcií, dluhopisů, fondů a finančních derivátů. Kniha je napsána velice srozumitelně a obsahuje mnoho praktických příkladů.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0273663097 |
Stran: 410 |
Cena: £ 19,54 |
Jazyk: anglicky |
The Next Big Investment Boom: Learn the Secrets of Investing from a Master and How to Prof…
In a highly readable and engaging style, he takes you step-by-step through every aspect of disciplined and lucrative investing. First he shows you the how and why of taking responsibility for your money. Then he goes on to describe specific investment strategies that he has used himself with great success. In the final half of the book he describes in detail the commodity markets: a major investment opportunity that could last well over a decade. Whether you’re new to investing or looking to brush up your skills, you’ll find sound a…
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 |
ISBN: 0749445777 |
Stran: 179 |
Cena: £ 9,89 |
Jazyk: anglicky |