Fondy a hedge fondyZpět do menu
Running Money
Running Money
Autor: Andy Kessler | Vydavatel: HarperCollins World
A humorous expos of hedge fund politics and strategies by the author of Wall Street Meat recounts his experiences running a hedge fund, an adventure during which his partner and he tackled the market and achieved gains close to four hundred percent. Reprint. 30,000 first printing.
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 0060740655 Stran: 320 Cena: £ 8,09 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
Starting a Hedge Fund: A Canadian Perspective
Starting a Hedge Fund: A Canadian Perspective
Autor: Sarah Barham, Carol Bonnett | Vydavatel: ISI Publications Ltd
This new title in the series appears at a time of significant growth in the Canadian Hedge Fund Business. Sponsored by BMO Nesbitt Burns Inc., law firm Borden Ladner Gervais, Ernst & Young, and with a foreword penned by AIMA Canada, its chapters cover: structuring issues, investment adviser registration, marketing hedge funds, compliance responsibilities, risk management, market overview and developments, the role of the prime broker, and the use of offshore structures.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 9627762989 Stran: 120 Cena: £ 105,00 Jazyk: anglicky  
Starting a Hedge Fund: A European Perspective
Starting a Hedge Fund: A European Perspective
Autor: Sarah Barham, Carol Bonnett | Vydavatel: ISI Publications Ltd
At a time of immense growth and change in the European hedge fund world, the timely publication of this inaugural edition will be of considerable interest both to fund managers, and those offering essential support services. Written by experts from Morgan Stanley, Hemisphere Management, and the law firms of Titmuss Sainer Dechert and Dechert Price & Rhoads, the Guide brings together material on all aspects of establishing and operating a hedge fund. Topics covered include key considerations in setting up a fund management company, selling hedge
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 9627762970 Stran: 236 Cena: £ 125,00 Jazyk: anglicky  
Starting a Hedge Fund: A U.S. Perspective
Starting a Hedge Fund: A U.S. Perspective
Autor: Sarah Barham, Ian Hallsworth | Vydavatel: ISI Publications Ltd
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 9627762644 Stran: 100 Cena: £ 130,00 Jazyk: anglicky  
Starting a Hedge Fund: An Asian Perspective
Starting a Hedge Fund: An Asian Perspective
Autor: Sarah Barham, Carol Bonnett | Vydavatel: Bermuda Library
ISI is pleased to announce the inaugural edition of this new title focusing on the developing hedge fund industry in Asia. While Japan may be at the forefront of industry activity, Australia represents a key market sector that is both innovative and fast growing. Similarly, Hong Kong is enacting new legislation to allow for the sale of hedge funds to retail investors, and Singapore is witnessing growing public interest in the use of hedge funds as an acceptable vehicle for alternative investment. Sponsored by Ernst & Young, Citco and
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 1894916506 Stran: 110 Cena: £ 132,50 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Capital Guide to Offshore Funds
The Capital Guide to Offshore Funds
Autor: | Vydavatel: ISI Publications Ltd
ISI is pleased to announce the fourth edition of The Capital Guide to Offshore Funds, produced in association with Citco. Completely revised and updated for this new edition, this best-selling title includes detailed information on fund administration, choosing the optimal fund structure cross-border funds distribution, and separate chapters on the listing of funds on the stock exchanges of Bermuda, Ireland, Hong Kong, London and Luxembourg. In addition, the Guide includes a full domicile comparison of 15 offshore jurisdictions, including Berm
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 9627762717 Stran: 190 Cena: £ 120,00 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Financial Times Guide to Investing
The Financial Times Guide to Investing
Autor: Glen Arnold | Vydavatel: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall
Kniha "The Financial Times Guide to Investing" přiblíží čtenářům nejen umění a krásu investování, ale naučí je také, jak správně a úspěšně investovat. Prostřednictvím této knihy se seznámíte s fungováním finančních trhů, investičním rozhodováním a dalšími různými situacemi, včetně příkladů při investování do akcií, dluhopisů, fondů a finančních derivátů. Kniha je napsána velice srozumitelně a obsahuje mnoho praktických příkladů.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 0273663097 Stran: 410 Cena: £ 19,54 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management: How to Successfully Launch and Operate a Hedge
The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management: How to Successfully Launch and Operate a Hedge Fund (Wiley Finance)
Autor: Daniel A. Strachman | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
This book offers the tools and techniques needed to successfully launch and maintain a hedge fund. In "The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management", both budding and established hedge fund managers will learn the fundamentals of building and maintaining a successful hedge fund business. Strachman presents the facts in an accessible and easy-to-use format that will empower readers to create a lasting fund that provides significant income for years to come. "The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management" provides information on everything from picking
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 0471748528 Stran: 192 Cena: £ 45,50 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
The Hedge Fund Compliance and Risk Management Guide (Wiley Finance)
The Hedge Fund Compliance and Risk Management Guide (Wiley Finance)
Autor: Armelle Guizot | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
"The Hedge Fund Compliance and Risk Management Guide" provides you with a broad examination of the most important compliance and risk management issues associated with today's hedge funds. Straightforward and accessible, this invaluable resource covers everything from how hedge funds continue to generate lucrative returns to why some use sophisticated instruments and financial engineering to get around fundamental regulatory laws.
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 0470043571 Stran: 448 Cena: £ 55,25 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Hedge Fund Edge: Maximum Profit/Minimum Risk Global Trend Trading Strategies (Wiley Tr
The Hedge Fund Edge: Maximum Profit/Minimum Risk Global Trend Trading Strategies (Wiley Trading)
Autor: Mark Boucher | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
A unique approach to trading the world markets and taking profits globally. Introducing a robust trading strategy that incorporates techniques from both technical and fundamental analysis, Mark Boucher examines the major markets and illustrates where the odds are greatest in the trader's favor. He also addresses overall asset allocation issues, provides techniques for selecting investments and earning maximum profits from major market moves, and more. MARK BOUCHER (Los Altos, California) is President of Investment Research Associates. An active
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 0471185388 Stran: 384 Cena: £ 39,49 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
« předchozí    1 2 3 -4- 5    další »
kniha     autor
Running Money
Running Money
Stran: 320
Cena: £ 8,09
Jazyk: anglicky
A humorous expos of hedge fund politics and strategies by the author of Wall Street Meat recounts his experiences running a hedge fund, an adventure during which his partner and he tackled the market and achiev
Inside the House of Money:
Inside the House of Money: Top Hedge Fund Traders on Profiting in the Global Markets
Stran: 384
Cena: £ 16,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Inside the House of Money lifts the veil on the typically opaque world of hedge funds offering a rare glimpse at how today's highest paid money managers approach their craft. Author Steve Drobny demystifies how
Common Sense on Mutual Fun
Common Sense on Mutual Funds: New Imperatives for the Intelligent Investor
Stran: 496
Cena: £ 10,49
Jazyk: anglicky
Invoking the words and spirit of Thomas Paine, investor turned historian John Bogle concedes that ideas for revamping the mutual-fund industry are perhaps "not yet sufficiently fashionable to them general favor
The Hedge Fund Edge: Maxim
The Hedge Fund Edge: Maximum Profit/Minimum Risk Global Trend Trading Strategies (Wiley Trading)
Stran: 384
Cena: £ 39,49
Jazyk: anglicky
A unique approach to trading the world markets and taking profits globally. Introducing a robust trading strategy that incorporates techniques from both technical and fundamental analysis, Mark Boucher examines
The Fundamentals of Hedge
The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management: How to Successfully Launch and Operate a Hedge Fund (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 192
Cena: £ 45,50
Jazyk: anglicky
This book offers the tools and techniques needed to successfully launch and maintain a hedge fund. In "The Fundamentals of Hedge Fund Management", both budding and established hedge fund managers will learn the
Trade Like a Hedge Fund: 2
Trade Like a Hedge Fund: 20 Successful Uncorrelated Strategies and Techniques to Winning Profits (Wiley Trading)
Stran: 240
Cena: £ 34,43
Jazyk: anglicky
Naučte se používat úspěšné investiční strategie, které jsou pro svou flexibilitu, agresivitu a kreativitu oblíbené celou řadou finančníků. Dle této publikace se naučíte používat 20 různýc