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Tech Stock Valuation: Investor Psychology and Economic Analysis
Tech Stock Valuation: Investor Psychology and Economic Analysis
Autor: Mark Hirschey | Vydavatel: Academic Press
The contribution of research and development to a company's market value has grown considerably in recent years. In the mid-1970s, accountants were able to capture on their ledgers 90-95% of a firm's book value, but by 2000 the importance of intangible assets had grown to the point where they could account for only 13-15%. Financial economists and accountants have investigated the link between a firm's market value and its R&D spending, and various factions advocate a variety of positions on the amount and rate of investment, investors' ability
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 0123497043 Stran: 271 Cena: £ 60,80 Jazyk: anglicky  
The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 2009 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 2009 (100 Best Stocks Y
The 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 2009 100 Best Stocks You Can Buy, 2009 (100 Best Stocks You Can Buy) (100 Best Stocks You Can Buy)
Autor: John Slatter | Vydavatel: Adams Media Corporation
For over a decade, readers have turned to John Slatter’s classic book for advice on which stocks to pick for maximum return on their investment. Now Slatter again offers his advice and insights on the 100 stocks serious investors can’t afford to be without. Topics include when to use professional stockbrokers and when to go it alone; how to invest online; and how to put together a balanced, diverse portfolio of stocks. Slatter offers his readers tips for successful investing: Understand why and what you’re investing in and for; Know how m
Přidáno: 30.12.2008 ISBN: 159869846X Stran: 368 Cena: £ 8,99 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
The Beginner's Guide to Financial Spread Betting, 2nd Edition: Step-by-step Instructions a
The Beginner's Guide to Financial Spread Betting, 2nd Edition: Step-by-step Instructions and Winning Strategies
Autor: Michelle Baltazar | Vydavatel: Harriman House Publishing
Now fully revised and updated, The Beginner's Guide to Financial Spread Betting provides an essential grounding in the basic principles of spread betting. Spread betting was once the domain of institutional investors, city traders and high rollers. Not anymore. You would now be hard-pressed to find any other form of trading that allows such a scale of return and has such wide appeal. The popularity of spread betting has increased massively over the last few years, with thousands of new traders entering the market every month. And, whilst the ba
Přidáno: 30.12.2008 ISBN: 1905641826 Stran: 176 Cena: £ 11,69 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Buffettology Workbook: Value Investing the Buffett Way
The Buffettology Workbook: Value Investing the Buffett Way
Autor: Mary Buffett, David Clark | Vydavatel: Simon & Schuster Ltd
This workbook guides readers step-by-step through the same process millionaire investor Warren Buffett uses when deciding what to invest in, and when.
Přidáno: 25.10.2007 ISBN: 0684871718 Stran: 192 Cena: £ 9,00 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
The Compleat Guide to Day Trading Stocks (Compleat Day Trader)
The Compleat Guide to Day Trading Stocks (Compleat Day Trader)
Autor: Jake Bernstein | Vydavatel: McGraw-Hill Professional
Day trading je v současné době největším trendem na Wall Street. V knize "The Compleat Guide to Day Trading Stocks" napsané slavným obchodníkem s futures Jakem Bernsteinem získáte znalosti a zkušenosti pro obchodování na akciovém trhu. Bernstein zde popisuje různé systémy obchodování jako např. systém načasování, následování trendu a další - všechny jsou podrobně popsány včetně ukázek na jednotlivých grafech. Bernsteinova kniha dává day traderům nástroje pro úspšné obchodování. Hlavní důraz je kla
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 0071361251 Stran: 216 Cena: £ 23,99 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
The Complete Guide to Listing on the London Stock Exchange
The Complete Guide to Listing on the London Stock Exchange
Autor: Sarah Bolton | Vydavatel: ISI Publications Ltd
Following the success of their highly-regarded Practitioner's Guides to the Listing Rules of — the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong, the New York Stock Exchange and the Bermuda Stock Exchange — ISI Publications is pleased to announce the publication of The Complete Guide to Listing on the London Stock Exchange. This latest publication provides in-depth analysis and commentary on listing on the London Stock Exchange. The contributions from highly-regarded market practitioner’s, cover such topics as: the requirements of the listing rules
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 962776275X Stran: 280 Cena: $ 110,00 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
The Dividend Connection: How Dividends Create Value in the Stock Market
The Dividend Connection: How Dividends Create Value in the Stock Market
Autor: Geraldine Weiss, Gregory Weiss | Vydavatel: Dearborn Trade,U.S.
"The Dividend Connection" představuje investiční strategii, která využívá propojení mezi dividendovou politikou společnosti cenou akcií na trhu. V knize se dozvíte jak rozpoznat tu pravou blue chip. Autoři vám poradí kdy nakoupit a kdy naopak prodat a jak stanovit hodnotu společnosti v závislosti na vyplácených dividendách.
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 079311022X Stran: 256 Cena: £ 32,49 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Edgar Online Guide for Decoding Financial Statements: Tips, Tools, and Techniques for
The Edgar Online Guide for Decoding Financial Statements: Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Becoming a Savvy Investor
Autor: Tom Taulli | Vydavatel: J Ross Publishing
Despite the passage of Sarbanes-Oxley, navigating through a company's financial statements can still be a tricky proposition. The EDGAR Online Guide to Decoding Financial Statements covers not only how to find the red flags but also how to find the signs of underlying financial strength. It is absolutely critical to have the necessary tools for effective analysis. Clear and accessible, written in an easily readable, step-by-step style that hits every key element, this book gives you those tools. It will not be long before you can easily maneuve
Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 1932159282 Stran: 312 Cena: £ 26,95 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Education of a Speculator
The Education of a Speculator
Autor: Victor Niederhoffer | Vydavatel: John Wiley & Sons
"This eminently readable, witty tome is...pure nectar to those who aim for consistently superior stock-market performance."--Barron's "With an original mind and an eclectic approach, Victor Niederhoffer takes the reader from Brighton Beach to Wall Street, visiting all stops of interest along the way. What emerges is a book full of insights, useful to the professional and layman alike."--George Soros "A riveting account of the games of childhood transformed into the obsessions of a contrarian winner."--Dr. James D. Watson, Nobel Laurence and co-
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 ISBN: 0471249483 Stran: 444 Cena: £ 9,79 Jazyk: anglicky  
The Essays Of Warren Buffett: Lessons For Corporate America
The Essays Of Warren Buffett: Lessons For Corporate America
Autor: Warren E. Buffett | Vydavatel: Cunningham Group
This is the best business/finance book ever put together. Contains original writings of the world's most successful businessman/investor, Warren Buffett, cogently organized according to theme by Lawrence Cunningham, the law professor who is a specialist in corporate governance matters at Cardozo Law School in New York
Přidáno: 25.10.2007 ISBN: 0966446119 Stran: 256 Cena: £ 12,30 Jazyk: anglicky Doporučujeme
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kniha     autor
Stock Trader's Almanac 200
Stock Trader's Almanac 2009 (Almanac Investor Series)
Stran: 192
Cena: £ 18,89
Jazyk: anglicky
Turn to Stock Trader's Almanac 2009, the indispensable annual resource, trusted for over 40 years by traders and investors. This practical investment tool includes historical patterns and little-known market tr
How to Think Like Benjamin
How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett
Stran: 224
Cena: £ 9,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Vítaná publikace pro každého, kdo chce mít kontrolu nad svými financemi a chytře investovat. Bestseller "How to Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest Like Warren Buffett" Vám poradí, jak dělat správn
The Warren Buffett Way: In
The Warren Buffett Way: Investment Strategies of the World's Greatest Investor (Wiley Investment Classic)
Stran: 272
Cena: £ 11,89
Jazyk: anglicky
Warren Buffett je zpátky .... a lepší než dříve!! Již uběhl nějaký čas kdy se na trhu poprvé objevila kniha o Warrenu Buffettovi - The Warren Buffett Way od Roberta Hagstroma. Kniha se okamžitě st
Motley Fool Million Dollar
Motley Fool Million Dollar Portfolio: How to Build and Grow Your Own Seven-figure Portfolio
Stran: 288
Cena: £ 12,59
Jazyk: anglicky
In this long-anticipated, groundbreaking guide to building a portfolio, acclaimed stock pickers and Internet pioneers David and Tom Gardner lay bare the simple philosophy that they have used to help millions o
An Introduction to Bond Ma
An Introduction to Bond Markets (Securities Institute)
Stran: 432
Cena: £ 20,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Tato kniha popisuje a vymezuje pojem dluhopisu v kontextu finančních trhů, taktéž popisuje jednotlivé typy dluhopisů. Dále zahrnuje pohled na jednolivé analytické modely použivané samostatnými obc
Behavioral Trading: Method
Behavioral Trading: Methods for Measuring Investor Confidence and Expectations
Stran: 272
Cena: £ 64,59
Jazyk: anglicky
Autor knihy Woody Dorsey, burzovní investor - tzv. "opozičník" (tzn. investor, který na burze kupuje nepopulární akcie, o které není zájem vzhledem k současné výnosnosti), prezentuje ve své knize s