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Franchise Value and the Price/earnings Ratio (The Research Foundation of AIMR and Blackwell Series in Finance)
Franchise Value and the Price/earnings Ratio (The Research Foundation of AIMR and Blackwell Series in Finance)
Autor: Martin Leibowitz, Stanley Kogelman | Vydavatel: WileyBlackwell
Koupit tuto publikaci

Naučte se stanovit a pracovat s ukazatelem P/E pomocí modelu od pánů Martina Leibowitze a Stanleyho Kogelmana.

Přidáno: 05.05.2007 ISBN: 0943205212 Stran: 241 Cena: £ 23,99 Jazyk: anglicky
Dynamic Technical Analysis
Dynamic Technical Analysis (Wiley Trading)
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Cena: £ 63,75
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Gets traders and investors up to speed on the hottest new approach to predicting the markets One of the most talked-about new forecasting tools in today's international markets, dynamic technical analysis (
Intermarket Technical Anal
Intermarket Technical Analysis: Trading Strategies for the Global Stock, Bond, Commodity and Currency Markets (Wiley Finance)
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Trying to trade stock, bond, commodity and currency markets without intermarket awareness is like trying to drive a car without looking out the side and rear windows--very dangerous. In this guide to intermarke
DeMark on Day Trading Opti
DeMark on Day Trading Options: Using Options to Cash in on the Day Trading Phenomenon
Stran: 358
Cena: £ 22,79
Jazyk: anglicky
"DeMark on Day Trading Options" je první knihou kombinující 2 dnes největší obchodní fenomény a to akciové obchodování a opční obchodování. Tom DeMark v knize prezentuje také metody tzv. opční
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