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The Credit Risk of Complex Derivatives (Finance and Capital Markets Series)
The Credit Risk of Complex Derivatives (Finance and Capital Markets Series)
Autor: Erik Banks | Vydavatel: Palgrave Macmillan
Koupit tuto publikaci

Since the publication of the 2nd edition of The Credit Risk of Complex Derivatives in 1997, the world of derivatives has gone through a period of dramatic change in the external operating environment, product and market characteristic and risk management techniques. In the light of these changes, the text has been substantially reorganized, updated and expanded. Several new chapters have been added including: derivative losses risk governance and risk management efforts regulatory initiatives and advances credit risk portfolio models Aimed at clients, intermediaries and regulators, this new edition will be focussed clearly on risk education, risk management and risk disclosure in order to make participation in derivatives more secure, transparent, efficient and beneficial.

Přidáno: 10.05.2007 ISBN: 1403916691 Stran: 450 Cena: £ 118,75 Jazyk: anglicky
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