Risk managementZpět do menu
Hedge Funds and Managed Futures: A Handbook for Institutional Investors
Hedge Funds and Managed Futures: A Handbook for Institutional Investors
Autor: Greg N. Gregoriou, Dieter G. Kaiser | Vydavatel: Risk Books
Koupit tuto publikaci

This work evaluates four key topics from a critical perspective: benchmarking and performance measurement; risk management; portfolio management; and asset allocation. Written by leading finance academics, industry commentators and practitioners. The independence of their views and the academic-professional balance reflects an intellectual maturity and confidence which is essential in maintaining a healthy industry. The reader's ability to generate alpha and structure genuinely innovative products will be paramount to the growth of their business. Based on new research and analysis, this informative and timely book will provide the reader with practical and innovative ideas for successful institutional investment.

Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 1904339530 Stran: 565 Cena: £ 94,05 Jazyk: anglicky
Credit Risk Measurement: N
Credit Risk Measurement: New Approaches to Value at Risk and Other Paradigms (Wiley Finance)
Stran: 288
Cena: £ 40,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Z řízení úvěrových rizik a rozhodování ohledně portfolií úvěrových instrumentů se stalo v posledních letech velice komplexní a kontroverzní téma. Tony Sauders sepsal důležitý a velice výs
Energy Price Risk: Trading
Energy Price Risk: Trading and Price Risk Management (Finance and Capital Markets Series)
Stran: 500
Cena: £ 126,99
Jazyk: anglicky
Kniha "Energy Price Risk" je napsána zkušeným komoditním obchodníkem a risk manažerem Tomem Jamesem. Kniha je praktickým průvodcem v oblasti řízení a risk managementu spolu se správným používán�
Risk Management and Shareh
Risk Management and Shareholders' Value in Banking: From Risk Measurement Models to Capital Allocation Policies (The Wiley Finance Series)
Stran: 808
Cena: £ 33,99
Jazyk: anglicky
This book presents an integrated framework for risk measurement, capital management and value creation in banks. Moving from the measurement of the risks facing a bank, it defines criteria and rules to support
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