The book considers when governments should give guarantees to private investors. After describing the history of guarantees, and the challenges the politics and psychology create for good decisions, the book sets out a principles for allocating risk (and therefore guarantees), techniques for valuing guarantees, and rules to encourage good decisions.
Přidáno: 09.05.2007 | ISBN: 0821368583 | Stran: 228 | Cena: £ 11,84 | Jazyk: anglicky |
Credit Risk Measurement: N…
Z řízení úvěrových rizik a rozhodování ohledně portfolií úvěrových instrumentů se stalo v posledních letech velice komplexní a kontroverzní téma. Tony Sauders sepsal důležitý a velice výs…
Money Laundering: A Guide …
Many of the techniques that drug traffickers and organized crime figures use to launder money are also employed by terrorist groups - as those involved in investigating the attacks of September 11, 2001 soon di…
Risk Management: 10 Princi…
In the same way as the 4Ps of marketing are a fundamental principle of business theory, this book puts forward the 10Ps of Risk Management as a consistent and comprehensive approach to the subject. The 10Ps o…