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Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management
Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management
Autor: David A. Dubofsky, Thomas W. Miller | Vydavatel: Oxford University Press Inc, USA
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This new project will draw heavily on the author's previous work on derivative securities (published by McGraw-Hill): Options and Financial Futures. Because of increasing interest in the use (and misuse) of derivative securities in portfolio management, new courses have emerged that are called "risk management," but are primarily based on valuation and application of derivatives. Derivatives: Valuation and Risk Management will be reorganized in three parts: 1)
Introduction to the securities and their use, 2) pricing of futures, swaps (new) and options, 3) using derivative securities to manage risk. It will be used in courses called "future and options" or "derivative securities" but will expand primarily into courses called "risk management" for which there is only one book, Smithson/Smith/Wilford: Managing Financial Risk (Irwin 1996). The author will prepare an Instructor's Manual (CRC) and a diskette on risk management.

Přidáno: 09.05.2007 ISBN: 0195114701 Stran: 672 Cena: £ 38,00 Jazyk: anglicky
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