Analyze the current commodity environment and look out over the next few years to identify potential profit situations in Commodities Rising. You'll learn how commodities can be used to reduce risk and increase returns in a balanced investment portfolio. Author and commodities expert Jeffrey Christian debunks much of the misinformation currently circulating about commodities and provides a reasoned reality-check you can use to evaluate the claims and promises of various publications and brokerages in the commodity field. Specific issues addressed throughout this book include:
* the variety of commodity investments–exchange traded funds, stocks, futures, and options;
* commodities in the global economy;
* commodity trading/investing strategies.
Filled with in-depth insights and engaging anecdotes gleaned from the authors 30 years in the commodity markets, this is an invaluable resource for the serious investor or trader.
Přidáno: 10.05.2007 | ISBN: 0471772259 | Stran: 272 | Cena: £ 16,14 | Jazyk: anglicky |
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