"Hedge Fund Technology" provides hedge funds' managers with all global systemic and technologic solutions to resolve insufficient infrastructures, and risk management in the fund industry. The book informs of industry trends and provides solutions for: front end trading and pricing analytics, commodities' front end trading solutions, back and middle office systems such as accounting, funds' transfer, nostro reconciliation, settlement, confirmation, documentation, fees, commissions, expenses and soft dollars, treasury and finance solutions, and, reconciliations matching systems. The book also provides investors with transparency and translucency tools. The Risk Management solutions include systemic solutions to resolve or improve infrastructures with risk pricing analytics, risk database modules, collateral risk management, credit and counterparty, operational, market, enterprise, anti-money laundering, accounting, hedging risks, regulatory and compliance risks.
Přidáno: 04.05.2007 | ISBN: 0230554199 | Stran: 352 | Cena: £ 118,75 | Jazyk: anglicky |
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