The Investing Strategy for All SeasonsThe Jubak Picks enables you to play great offense and great defense: to make money in the stock market in good times, to protect yourself during downturns, and to reap the biggest profits when the good times return.In good times, Jubak’s strategy beats the market, delivering an amazing return of 360 percent over an eleven-year period. Compare that to the S&P 500 Stock Index return of 68 percent and we are talking about real money in your pocket.But times aren’t always good and no investor can make money all the time. When stocks plunge during a grinding bear market, you need a strategy for playing great defense that preserves capital, so you can pounce when good buying opportunities present themselves. And best of all, Jubak’s strategy tells what ten trends and fifty stocks will make you the most money when the market rebounds.Jim Jubak’s top-down stock-picking method is based on being in the right asset at the right time, ensuring that your portfolio is composed of stocks with the wind at their back and that are trending upward. He shows how to find the best stocks by first understanding ten macro trends changing the world, including:
• The economies—Brazil, Russia, Vietnam, India, China, and the “rest of the gang”—driving global demand
• The return of inflation—and the end of the thirty-year era of low prices• The rising tide of retirement money in an older and wealthier world—and the crucial need for companies that can properly manage it
• The commodities crunch in a world ever more hungry for natural resources
• The end of cheap oil• Food as the “new oil”
• The decline in global financial stability and the increasing value of safe investing havens
• The world finally getting serious about the environment and global warming Why heed Jim Jubak and his method?
• Start with the record: Returns that have beaten all major indices by a significant factor for more than a decade...and in bad times, such as the bear market of 2007-2008, losses that are just one-third those of the major indices.
• Factor in transparency: Unlike those who tell you the hot stocks for today but conveniently forget them tomorrow, the decade-long record—triumphs, warts, and lessons—is on (“Jubak’s Journal”).
• Add in continual updates: Jubak will provide continual updates on of his fifty picks, providing a real-time assessment of stocks that are keepers and those that should be sold.
JIM JUBAK has been senior markets editor for MSN Money for the past decade and is the Internet’s most widely read investing columnist, as verified by Nielsen. His online column, “Jubak’s Journal” (home of the Jubak’s Picks portfolio), draws more than one million unique users each month. Prior to MSN, Jubak was senior financial editor for Worth magazine.
Přidáno: 30.12.2008 | ISBN: 0307407810 | Stran: 352 | Cena: £ 15,26 | Jazyk: anglicky |
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