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Security Analysis: The Classic 1951 Edition: Principles and Technique
Security Analysis: The Classic 1951 Edition: Principles and Technique
Autor: Benjamin Graham | Vydavatel: McGraw-Hill Professional
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This is a timeless edition of "Security Analysis" that most closely reflects today's financial environment. Graham and Dodd's "Security Analysis" is hands-down the most influential investment book in history. The classic 1951 edition is the first edition of the bestselling investment bible that was written during a time of economic stability and prosperity. It provides investors with techniques and strategies for profitable investing in an economic environment that most resembles today. "Security Analysis: The Classic 1951 Edition" features a far more contemporary focus on the wisdom and legitimacy of common stocks for individual investors. This essential addition to any investment library features: Graham and Dodd's original words and insights, unvarnished and still compelling. It includes timeless methods for measuring asset values and cash flows, still a centerpiece of value investing worldwide. Income statements and balance sheets are moved to the front of the book for ease of use.

Přidáno: 04.05.2007 ISBN: 0071448209 Stran: 770 Cena: £ 32,49 Jazyk: anglicky
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